Question: is a scam or not?

by  |  earlier

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I purchased on this website. Anyone been there, done business with them, etc? I'm now finding lots of online complaints against this company. They are a sponsor on Yahoo when you are searching to purchase dvd's.




  1. I think it is a fraudulent company.  On November 6, 2007, my wife went online to purchase a DVD TV series from/at   In addition to having never received the product, there were and have been a number of problems with the transaction along the way.  

    1. (a) the listed price for the item was $158.99 (see ) and (b) the shipping charge was ($28.79), but the amount that the company actually sent to our credit card company as a charge was larger then the total of both - $187.78 reflected on printout from site as compared to $194.92 as reflected on our credit card statement.  (Note: We have since closed this credit card account due to this transaction.)

    2.  The company's site promises e-mail confirmation and contact, but has never actually communicated with us via e-mail.

    3.  The company's site indicates that items will be delivered within 2-4 weeks.  We never received the product.

    4.   When we contacted the company via an online "chat" window at the site, we did obtain a "tracking number" by which the product was allegedly shipped via the Canadian Post office. For about a week and a half, I followed that tracking number at, but the only information provided by the site for the tracking number was an indication that something had been delivered for shipment to the Brossard, QC post office on November 24, 2007. Finally, about 4 days ago, I telephoned the Canadian Post office contact number and talked to a live human being about this tracking number.  However, I was told that this tracking number related to something that had been shiped to an entirely different zip code than ours.  That zip code was 33019, and ours is in Los Lunas, 87031.  

    5.   When I followed up later that same day with at online chat service, I was told that the problem would be passed onto a supervisor who would contact the Canadian Post office and e-mail us with the results.  Not getting any further response from, I again went online to the chat room and got the same response.  Finally, I told the person with the chat room that we were canceling our order and wanted our credit card charge reversed.  At that time, we again were told that the matter would be referred to someone else - this time in "accounting personnel" and that we would be e-mailed.  As stated above, we have never received any e-mail from this company.

    6.  In the course of all of this, I did something I wished I had done before making the purchase.  Although the link to this company appeared to arise through a reputable source - through - we had not investigated the name of this company online before ordering.  When I did so, I found several links that indicate that this company is engaged in fraudulent practices.  See e.g.,  ;  ;  Some of these sites suggested that this company simply sets up an internet site with one name, t hen after scamming people for a time, changed the name and site address to something else to start over.  In looking around the internet, for example, I found another site that is called "" that may be related to the site we dealt with, but it does not contain any contact information that would clearly link it to ""

  2. Check out my answer to your other question about this issue. Call your credit card company and have them take action as soon as possible.

  3. BIG Scam.  They hijacked my ebay account and tried to sell items pretending to be me.

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