
Ultimately, is the enemy us?

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In the Middle East - in politics - in climate change - in society - in family - and in our own identity ... choose your battlefield/s ...




  1. mankind has forgotten one other,someone said love the lord your god with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind,and your neighbor as yourself.

  2. Look back to the fifties, then look at today.  We had foreign policy then, we had bombs and guns, we had tv, radio and cars.  One thing changed the dynamics of everything.  God was removed from our schools and Government.  Look at us now.

  3. Yeah as Pogo would say, "we have met the enemy and they is us".

  4. Do you remember that little possum by the name of Pogo?  Standig there bravely wit garbage can lid sheld, collander helmet, and wooden sword proclaiming, "We has met the enemy, and he is us."  We have far too serious a view of ourselves on the world stage and in the cosmos, and ultimately that makes us dangerous.  We feel we have to fix things, or that things are wrong because they don't fit our preconceived notions.  Fighting terrorism, we create terrorists,  Justifying our standard of living, we increase global warming and conversely answering global warming we give in to unworkable solutions or quick opinion poll answers.  Personally when Al Gore started sounding like a Republican I just about gave up on politics, something was very wrong.  And I knew it was definitely wrong when they revisited Bush's brother's state to decide the 2000 election in his father's Supreme Court.  Then when Bush in 2004 could impune the military record of two decorated Viet Nam veterans (One from his own party!) while his own record was less than sterling, I seriously questioned the intelligence of the American people (including my own sanity).  Yes, I do believe the enemy is us.  Why are we in this handbasket, and where is it going?

  5. Yes,Yes,Yes... "Now That", my friend, is how a {ROMAN} warrior should think, always! Thankyou for your input of obstacles to overcome once that fateful day arrives.

  6. Who else could it be? That poor old scapegoat, Satan? Loved the quote from Pogo...

  7. We're flawed, at a minimum.  As they say here in the states, 'all politics are local', I guess you can say 'all problems are local' too.  There are of course the truly evil folks who kind of goof up the whole idea.    

    I think you're right, to a point.  I know so many of my worst mistakes are decisions made in haste.  If I had stayed away from emotional responses in difficult situations, I sure would have avoided much heart ache.  

    Of course, as you know, I'll point to sin as the real problem.  

    Take care.

  8. Ever hear of the phrase "You are you're worst enemy"? Whether you did or did not, believe it

  9. Yes , we are the masters of our own destiny!!  We are destroying ourselves so we are our own enemy!

  10. Yup, you get it all! But for one thing, the WE is not including 99% of the population, but only a few that decide for the whole, what is the best. So we are mostly followers that can't tell what is wrong and what is right, as we only care about our little life, and any implications or consequences of it is not really understood or consciously accepted.

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