
Ultimately, will "RACE" decide 2008?

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Die-hard Clinton supporters are very loath to vote for Barack Obama. There are some who are seriously considering switching party lines and voting for McCain, even though they're partisan Democrats. It is very troubling and disheartening for me to acknowledge that Democrats can be racist, but its being proved true.

Why oh why? When the woman you voted for in the primary is telling you to vote for Barack Obama, why are you all being a bunch of flaming Judases and going to the other side? Joe Lieberman, consider your political career finished.




  1. It may be very troubling and disheartening for you, but how else do you explain the overwhelming support for Obama by black people?  There were several very similar Democratic candidates for the job, but by a very large majority, they chose him.  

  2. Nope! Experience will....but nice try!

  3. I can only hope American is smarter & better than that. Time will tell.

  4. Oh so they must be racists if they dont vote for Obama right?  How silly and well I think kinda racist of you.  They also dont have to vote for him just because she tells them to.  

  5. So if your candidate loses-then everyone who did not vote for him is racist right?  Nothing to do with policy or experience.  As much as you wish that was true MOST Americans are not that stupid and wont be bullied into voting for someone because they are afraid to be called racist. Joe Lieberman took a stand, he did'nt do it to further his political career.  He did it because it was right.

  6. Ultimately, I hope policy decides the 2008 election. Democrats are just plain wrong...

  7. If Obama isn't elected the blacks have already threatened a race war.

    This mornings early news.

  8. with 95 % of th black vote going to Nobama and they don't even know why they are voting for him,I would ave to say that race plays a huge part in this election.

    and Joe Lieberman's career couldn't be stronger so,on that issue you are wrong.

    I will say that the democrats who switch are the one's who feel that their party has let them down once too often.

    Nancy Pelosi's congress having the lowest rating in history is evidence that the democrat party is going WAY south.

    good bye and good riddance to bad rubbish.

  9. Do you get paid to set up multiple new accounts and then ask these loaded questions, or do you do it just to annoy people ? Or are you that scared of having a woman VP ?

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