
Ultra 4 swimming?

by  |  earlier

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I know im too old to be in Ultra 4 but anyway it's already my 4th class and i can't tread! I can't float in the deep end! I have 4 more classes left and soon were gonna learn jumping! I NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TREAD! Any tips? 2 of these kids already know how to jump in the depp. I can't! HELP!




  1. well in our practice we haf totread with our arms up so if your arms r down move your feet in an eggbeater motion  and your arm in a circlular motion and if your arms are up do the same thing with out the arm but put more power in your legs.

    it will take a little while 2 get used to it so if you can be at the pool like a half an hour ealier every day 4 practice u can practice it and it will start to get easier

    hope this helps!!

  2. get a barbell at your local pool or gym or wherever you swim.

    (preferably the smaller ones) hold them and just work on the legs (bicycle motion) once your comfortable with that loose one barbel. with the arm that doesn't have you you sway your hand in front of you.. when your comfortable with that you loose the second barbel and sway with both hands while bicycle kicking.

    hope this helps.. make sure you let your instructor know that you still cant do these things.

  3. ok  treading is simple

    kick your legs and then make pawing motions in the  water like ur slaping the air but keep your hands in the water. keep ur fingers together. and the main thing is remain calm.
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