
Ultralight Trike: Construction: How To...?

by Guest21425  |  earlier

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I'm in the process of putting together a home-built ultralight trike, and had a question or two about it. Is it acceptable to build a Rogallo wing to use for, obviously, the wings? I thought this might be the easiest, as I know they work and don't cost much to build. What would be the easiest way of attaching the wings to the body of the vehicle so that they pivot easily for flight? Also, would anyone have any tips on the construction of such a vehicle? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!




  1. I will have to assume you are in the United States if you are not in the United States you should contact your local CAA for addition information.

    If in the U. S. the key word you used was home-built ultralight trike, so I assume you want to build a home-built aircraft Part 21.191 and not an ultralight vehicle under Part 103.1.  Just so we are on the same page a home-built will be a N-number registered aircraft that will meet the 51% rule the FAA has for home-built aircraft (amateur-built).  

    If you are building a Part 103 trike that is under the weight limits then you will need to follow the Part 103 rule available at:

    An ultralight vehicle is a vehicle that:

    (a) Is used or intended to be used for manned operation in the air by a single occupant;

    (b) Is used or intended to be used for recreation or sport purposes only;

    (c) Does not have any U.S. or foreign airworthiness certificate; and

    (d) If unpowered, weighs less than 155 pounds; or

    (e) If powered:

    (1) Weighs less than 254 pounds empty weight, excluding floats and safety devices which are intended for deployment in a potentially catastrophic situation;

    (2) Has a fuel capacity not exceeding 5 U.S. gallons;

    (3) Is not capable of more than 55 knots calibrated airspe at full power in level flight; and

    (4) Has a power-off stall speed which does not exceed 24 knots calibrated airspeed.

    Let’s say you are building a amateur-built trike and not a ultralight vehicle I have lots of information on my personal web site about this subject at:

    The rule for amateur-built is Part 21. 191(g) Operating amateur-built aircraft.  Operating an aircraft the major portion of which has been fabricated and assembled by persons who undertook the construction project solely for their own education or recreation.

    If you would like more information on this subject there is a hyper link to my e-mail on the web site where I can assist you for free.  Its just a service I provide home builders.

  2. Not a great idea. Unless your a super lightweight,  the Regallo wing is not man enough to handle the extra weight of an engine in an ultralight.

    Get a copy of "World Directory of Leisure Aviation" from :-

    Pagefast Ltd. 4-6 Lansil Way, Lancaster LA1 3QY UK

    tel +44-1524-841010 or email to

    This will tell you what others are doing and whats possible.

    A kit from one of the many companies listed is probably your best way forward.

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