
Ultrasound Help Or Any u/s techs out there? Boy or girl?

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I asked the question on here if my pictures looked like a boy or girl I got a lot of responses saying they thought girl my midwife and OB both told me they did not think my pictures looked like a boy but the tech I had paid told me boy. I went at 16 weeks I wanted to ask from these pictures she said she could NOT get a bottom shot so she had to go from a different angle to get my pictures would that have anything to do with my supposed boy pictures looking like a girl or does that even matter? I have looked at my pictures a lot of times and I do not see how even from this view she could tell me boy.

I already have a girl and boy and these pics look nothing like my son's pictures.




  1. The sonogram is not that clear and at 16 weeks it could be a little early. There are 2 lines and it's 3 for a girl. For a boy you can usually see the testicles and the p***s.  I had a sonogram at 15 and they said they thought it was a girl and it looked similar. But I didn't take it as 100% until I had my 20 week sonogram and it was a girl. So I say wait until your next sonogram.

  2. Sorry, I cannot tell from the photos you provided.

    The second link doesn't work.

    i will tell you that if she told you its a boy, it's probably a boy.

    They usually don't give you their opinion unless they're very sure, and penises are very unmistakable.

    When the gender is misdiagnosed, its almost always a boy being diagnosed as a girl.

  3. The second picture doesn't show up...I'm having a girl and what you are going to look for - if it's a girl is 3 lines (something like a hamburger where the arrow is pointing saying the s*x is.

  4. That's a tough one. To me, it looks like a labia, but I'm no expert. It looks nothing like my boy either though.  

  5. I don't think this looks like a boy at all, I'm not a professional but I would bet against your tech and say girl.

  6. Well I am 16 weeks pregnant and I am having boy #2 and I am also an ultrasound tech. I don't due a lot of baby ultrasounds but this is clearly not a boy. That does not look like a turtle at all. I would see if you can go in for another ultrasound to see if she can get a better pic. Hope this is helpful.

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