
Ultrasound accuracy?

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i went to my first doctors appointment and i thought i was 8 weeks pregnant but i was going by conception so i actually was 10. When she did an internal exam she said i was around 7-8 weeks from conception but the ultra sound put me at 11-12 weeks. Im not sure when my last period was but i know i didnt have s*x the week she was telling me i did and i know i didnt have my period the week she said i did bc i went out to the clubs that weekend. Could it be possible that my baby is just growing faster than most because im a tall girl and the father is 6 foot 2? Plus all my measurements on my body are a week off and i have an irregular period. This would put my ultrasound off by 7-9 days is that possible?




  1. omg no, babys dont grow fater because your big.. they count conecption from your last missed period. so if you ovulate in the middle and fall pregnant buy the end of the month your 4 weeks pregnant.. i think you counting wrong not the doctors.. ultrasounds are pretty on target but 7 or so days is no big deal.. your due date can change alot..  

  2. Babies can in fact grow larger/faster then average if both parents are on the tall/large side. It is possible for the u/s to be off some but then if the baby is just on the larger side it could in fact be accurate as far as the due date. When I had twins they were consistenly measuring 1 week + ahead and we knew to the minute how far along we were because it was via IVF. They were large babies from the getgo (it was a surrogacy and both parents are very tall). If the 2 dates are within a week or so of each other they probably won't change your due date. If it starts getting to where it's 2 weeks or more they may monitor you more closely and possible move your due date. I wouldn't worry about it so much though. So long as the baby is growing steadily and you and baby are healthy : )
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