
Ultrasound last trimester?

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how many of you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE only, had an ultrasound in the last trimester, and was it standard at your docs office, or what was the reason for? blessings and thankyou. :)




  1. I had 3 in my last trimester. It's not standard practice at my doctor's office, but I was measuring big so we did them to check the baby's weight.

  2. I got two a week for the last trimester for non-stress testing but that was for the fluid check and heartbeat.

    In addition to those two a week, I got another one once a week at my visits for the last month. Instead of just checking the heartbeat with a doppler, the doctor just looked at the heartbeat and the baby with an ultrasound. He was a maternal/fetal specialist.

    Also, I had one more big anatomic ultrasound at about 34 weeks or so to measure the baby and see if all was still okay with him.

    So, in all, I had about 3 ultrasounds a week for the last six weeks or so. And one more for the big 34 week one.

    I had all these because my baby (his name is Owen) had a two vessel umbilical cord. That made no difference; he turned out healthy as a horse at 9lbs 1oz.

    Hope I told you what you needed:).

  3. I had gestational diabetes, so I went for a stress test each week during the last few months. One week the nurse thought she heard an irregularity with the heartbeat, so they did an ultrasound. Everything was fine. Otherwise, I would have only had one at my 20 wk checkup.

  4. i had a monthly ultrasound. i was prego with twins so it was standard.

  5. You know, all doctors are different because I asked when my next ultra sound is and my doctor told me that you only have one at 18 weeks and thats it. So I have to schedule one because I am frightened her head might be too big. I believe that every doctor should give an ultrasound last trimester just to get an idea of how big the baby is so you arent in for any suprises. Did you ask your doctor if there was a reason? Im sure if your doctor was worried there was something wrong he/she would let you know for pre-cautions. Ask at your next apointment and in the future dont be afraid to ask a ? to everything your doctor orders or does. It is your buisness and they dont always tell you every little detail.

  6. i had an ultrasound last week and i was 38 weeks the doctor ordered it because he believed my baby was breech the ult was performed in the office and was done just as all my other ones had been done. it was good because i was told at 2 different ultrasounds that it was a girl then one told me it was a boy and i found out for sure its definitely a boy!!

  7. my doctor does an ultrasound at every visit so i will be having third trimester ultrasounds.

  8. I had an ultrasound just before I was induced to measure the size of the baby to check if she was small enough to deliver vaginally. In some doctor's offices, it's just standard.

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