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I got the results from my ultrasound today and they told me I have a large cyst on my ovary. I have a lot of questions. I didn't have time to talk to my doctor because I had to work. What exactly is considered large? (marble sized?) I go back for another ultrasound in a month to see if it has gone away and if not we will figure out what we need to do. I can't take birth control so what would be my other options? What would happen if the cyst ruptures? Will I be able to have kids? Anything else you want to share with me will help a lot. Thanks.

31 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. There is a great website called here you will find all sorts of remedies for all sorts of aliments.  I have enclosed for you below, the direct link to the page on ovarian cysts.  I'm sure you will find something there that will help you... I use this site all the time as my go to place for cures.

    Be well :-)

  2. I have had several cysts throughout the years.  My largest cyst grew to be the size of an orange.  But, the doctor never removed it, they actually put me on birth control to help reduce it and it eventually went away. Is your doctor telling you not to take bc?  I was put on it for that reason and have not had any cysts return.  I've also been told that I can still have children.  It can be a bit painful, but it's nothing too scary unless it does rupture...then you can become very sick.  Just be cautious about things near your belly until you see your doctor again.  A friend of mine had one the size of a basketball! (she thought she had just put on weight...never had any pain!) But hers was removed.  I'm sure if the doctor didn't say how large it is, then you should be okay! Good luck and take care!

  3. I had cysts on my ovaries, and they went away, and now I have a daugher (no fertility treatments). Some people aren't so lucky about that. Ask these questions to your doctor at your next suggestion is write them down somewhere so you don't forget. And don't worry about it until then--things will probably be FINE! Good luck.
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