
Ultrasound this a bit small...?

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We found out this morning that we were having a baby girl. The doctor told us she was a bit small and i have togo back in a month to check.

I was a small baby and my boyfriend too (around 6 lbs).

As anybody been told they were having a small baby and was totally fine ?




  1. I wouldn't worry.  Babies can be perfectly healthy and still be small.  It sounds like your doctor is keeping an eye on everything, so just trust that everything is fine.

    Go eat a big juicy bacon, mushroom cheeseburger!!

  2. My first was 11 second was 6 pounds..But to look at both my kids now (ages 7 and 4yrs) you would have never guessed how much they weighed at birth. I'm sure your baby girl will be small and petite,but healthy.  

  3. My son was born at 1 lb. 9.9 oz. and was 12 1/4 inches long.  He turned 3 in February and you can't even tell he was born that small.

  4. I wouldn't worry to much..

    You didn't say how far along are you ?

    When I was 6 months pregnant they told me she was small, I guess know she grew..a  lil bit more..

  5. You might just have your weeks gestation messed up.  Maybe she is not as old as you and your doctor think.  I was a small baby, 5lbs.  Remember stress is not a desirable environment for your baby.  Make sure you are not exposing them to smoke or alcohol and relax.

  6. Hello.All babies are different and if you are eating healthy and not smoking I shouldn't worry.

  7. I myself would not be concerned with the size if the baby is developing properly on schedule.

    I personally  would have liked a small baby. Mine were both over 8 pounds and I was less than 90 pounds when I got pregnant each time.. If genetics in your family dictate a small baby so be it.

    Take care of your self and the baby growing in you Pregnancy is a one of a kind of experience so enjoy it..

  8. When I was pregnant with my son I measured small the whole time.  The Doctor freaked me out saying my son was really small, and towards the last month, from one week to the next I started to measure BIG!?!  And my little guy was 8 lbs. when he was born!  I think everything will be okay, even when they do an ultrasound that can be off up to a pound either way!  Good luck and try to not make yourself crazy about it!

  9. My son was born at 6 lbs 4 oz and ow he's 12 weeks and about 14 lbs! I forget he was so tiny sometimes.  

  10. my little one was only in the 30% in his weight at our last ultrasound 4 weeks ago. i have one more on tues to see his weight. i was 5pds 11 oz and so was my bro and my bro is now hitting 6foot and he is 16

  11. I have heard that the baby is usually around the birthweight of the mother. So if you were small, that makes sense. Also, all babies are different, so she may just be petite!

  12. I wouldn't worry about it.  Since you just found out what it was you still have about 20 weeks to beef that baby up!  Also, like you said, the two of you were small babies so there is probably some genetic factor there.

  13. Your weeks could be off or your probably just having a small baby.  Just like anyone else, unborn babies go through growth spurts, so maybe by your next ultrasound appointment she'll be bigger.  Sometimes my son would measure large, then the next appointment he would be right on track.  That was because he would go through a growth spurt.  As long as baby isn't  dangerously small then I wouldnt even worry

  14. My daughter was big and my family has big babies. My doctor told me I needed to watch how much I wass gaining. I was at only 5 pounds away from my prepregnancy weight at my 6 week check- up. I didn't listen to anything my doctor said because i knew this was normal for my family and he was surprised how I dropped the weight.

  15. Yes, don't get upset, the Dr's want to make all kids fit their charts, she'll more than likely be fine.  Congrats!

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