
Um, question.?

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Yup, I'm going into 8 and want to be publicly schooled. But for high school I want to be home schooled. My mom has always been very smart and always furthers hr education even today. Do you think it would be better if she taught me, a toter taught me or an online coarse? And we're in Illinois if that helps any.




  1. Tell her to teach her.

    Public Schools are still a good option though.

  2. You people who don't like homeschooling have really strong opinions against it.  The asker didn't ask if you like it or not.  She asked what the best course of study for homeschooling would be.  I will be homeschooling my daughter this year.  She is very bright and will continue to be.  She will be smarter than her peers in public school.  They don't teach enough in the public schools.  She will be socialized because I will have her in a lot of activities.  School is very learning and not socializing.  My daughter will do well in life.  Homeschoolers are more advanced in learning than public school kids are.  So if you don't know about something, don't be ignorant by pretending you know what you are talking about.  It is a personal choice.  I don't put kids down who aren't homeschooled so don't put kids down who are.  I think you should have your mom homeschool you.  It is ridiculous that it will take your mom 12 hours to prepare lessons.  That is upsurd.  Good luck.

  3. Illinois does have a virtual high school but it is not free. I believe if your mother tried to do it all, it would probably cost more than the following. Hopefully in the near future, a free online charter will open in your state

    The registration fees for the 2008 summer courses is $195 per semester enrollment. The regular enrollment course fee for the 2008-2009 school year is $250/per course. Early bird pricing (registration on or before June 15) for the 2008-2009 school year is $195. See our scholarship policy to see if you qualify for any scholarships.

  4. I think it's a marvelous idea.

    There is a book written just prospective homeschooling of high school age: age.  It will help both you are your mom with the whole idea of high school, and that you can,indeed, find the resources you need within your community.

    Best of luck in eighth grade.  Take this year to read the book and do some thinking.  

    Have fun!

  5. i think you should go to a public high school

    it's a lot of drama but all the suffering makes  you... you.

  6. It depends on your learning style.  Online courses require self-motivation and diligence, while having a tutor will allow you to have someone to help you out a bit more. Mixing it up with both a tutor and online would probably be helpful for most.

    Don't let the negative responses on here affect you. There are quite a few of people around that simply want to resist the idea of homeschooling. Good luck!

  7. High School is a whole different thing for a home schooler to tackle.  I'd strongly advise against one person homeschooling a child for high school.

    First off, your grammar shows me that you could use a little help with writing.  Are you 8 or going into 8th grade?

    Second, for someone to teach a subject, they usually need at least two hours to prepare for each subject.  So, if your mother is going to teach you six classes, she needs (at minimum) 12 hours to prepare for these classes each night.

    Third, the classes in high school are much more complicated and diverse.  Is your mother going to be able to teach you shop class, Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, Spanish, and Art all in one day?

    Four, if you're being home-schooled for high school... you should have more than one person teaching you.  Some home-schoolers teach like a community.  One teacher teaches one subject for a few weeks, then another teacher teaches another subject for a few weeks... and so on.

    note:  While I understand Riley's position here, she obviously doesn't understand how prepared people need to be in order to teach effectively.  I've only met one homeschooler who was truly amazing at teaching.  She not only taught the children at home, but brought them into the community and taught them all sorts of basic life lessons (like going to the laundromat or reporting emergencies to the police).  She stopped homeschooling at 8th grade because she knew she couldn't effectively teach at that level.  She had a teaching degree and license, but couldn't handle it.  Her children have been amazing students in high school, but the work was too much.  She spent five hours or more every night working on lesson plans.  That was just for elementary and middle school.  She spent her entire summers working on lessons for the next school year and still found it hard to get any free time after teaching her children.  

    ...and isn't Riley doing the same as everyone else?  Saying her opinion?  What makes you better than us Riley?

  8. Well, looking at your spelling, you need to learn a lot more.  I would suggest a tutor or public school.

  9. By high school, if you are dedicated, you will be able to teach yourself for the most part. Take care to choose curriculums that will make that easier for you. You can always get on here, or any other homeschooling message board to ask for help.

    Ultimately it is a decision for you and your parents to make. Each have their pros and cons. We can't tell you what the right choice for your family is. You can make a good job of any of your options, though a tutor for everything would be unneccessarily expensive!

  10. Online schooling is what I do and I'm going to be a Junior this year. I love it...

  11. so u want to be publicaly skooled 4 1 yr and then go back 2 home schooling?? well 1st of all u will b way ahead of every1 in public school so u will b bored all year long. and 2nd of all it is too late into the middle school thing to get too close to any ppl. all the cliques have been made.

  12. I was home schooled through part of 9th, then went to public.  I was a bit farther ahead than my grade, and I think I would have been better off staying in home school.  Especially if your mom is continuing her education, it sounds like she is perfectly capable.  And if there is a subject that you would like to do that she's not sure about, online classes are great.  They can either supplement home schooling and if you find you like it, you can take online full time with your mom's help if needed.  Tutors can be expensive, but usually provide a thorough education, since they have their day devoted to you and can tailor it to your needs.

  13. well u should go to an actual school so u can finish school and get a good futre and a career or your mum can be a teacher at your school   i dont know read what the other people have to say         good luk

  14. how did you become home schooled????

  15. No

    I personally think everyone should go to public school (though i still want home school to be an option... go freedom!) for a number of reasons

    1. You learn to be self motivated

    2. you get an introduction to the social aspects of the world

    3. You have a lot more fun experiances

    Theres alot of great reasons to go public, just as im sure there is alot of good things about being home schooled, i just personally think that public school is the best preperation for college and the real world that follows!

  16. Homeschooling works for many people.  It sounds as if your mom is a great role model.  

    Someone mentioned (in previous answer) that your mom would need to prepare for your classes.   I don't understand that answer.

    We are relaxed-eclectic in our homeschooling style  and I spend about an hour a week writing out the assignments and ideas for research based on (1) what my son needs to learn and (2) what my son wants to learn.

    I spend a couple of hours a day with him checking  and discussing the assignments/lessons.

    We use many resources and though my son has great reading comprehension, he learns best through video/audio.

    We use free resources through television, library and online.

    Our time is used efficiently.   I do not need to worry about 30 students in a class for 3 classes a day .  I concentrate on one student and help guide him to prepare himself for his future.

    Yes.   My opinion is that the best education is done in freedom.   The government designs a curriculum for the masses.   You and your mom can design a curriculum for you, an individual.

  17. I was in Illinois when I began homeschooling. It was quite an adventure.

    Anyway.....have your mom teach you.

    I realize that a lot of people are saying no because of the social aspects of high school. But you have to remember, this is SCHOOL not the local hang out.

    Online courses are intense. And the person who said it would be expensive if you didn't do it online is wrong. I managed to get all of my books and supplies for about $450. For the year. That's not bad I think.

    Just think about it. Read the Teenager's Liberation Handbook and give it a go!
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