
Um Help!!!!!!!!!!! How do I change this??

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So what would you do about this one??? How do you get your next store neighbors to stop messing around with you r dogs there always doing something to them calling teasing and stuff what should I do




  1. kill them all!!!

  2. move?

  3. Build a high fence around your garden. They should not do that to dogs or any animals.Teasing them could turn them very nasty, and then if they bite someone you could be in trouble.Just ask them not to tease the dogs and explain why.I cannot do with people who do that sort of thing  because if they got bit they would be the ones to report it.

  4. My advice is to teach your neighbors a lesson with something like this:

    One day you let your dogs out of leash, and the door of the cage or where you keep them, let open but in sort of way that your neighbors not to realize that. And when they try to tease them again, let the dogs taste a little human butt. If they are listening dogs, will obbey when you will say to them to stop and return to cage.

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