
Um Oklahoma's tornadoes? ?

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Alright heres the thing, I might end up moving to Oklahoma next summer and I am kinda scared. I looked up the tornado statistics and stuff and it freaks me out, beings that ive never been in a tornado. Could anyone tell me what its like to be in a tornado there? Do they ever happen at night? How often do they really happen? Are they usually really really destructive and cause devastation every time they hit?





  1. I lived in Oklahoma for 9 years and have been in several tornadoes, none of which actually touched even my neighborhood.  It's a little scary, but I got used to it.  For some reason, the tornadoes never hit in the morning, just afternoon or late at night.  But that's why they have the tornado sirens!  Maybe you can look into a house with a storm shelter.  And no they're not always devastating, it just depends on the severity of the tornado.

  2. Get a storm alert radio which will notify you of an approaching storm. Oklahoma is part of Tornado Alley. The odds of being in the path of a tornado are remote. Most tornadoes cause minor damage. An F-3, F-4 and F-5 are very destructive, but are infrequent. Make sure you have a storm shelter plan, and insurance. Tornadoes can happen any time of day, but are most common in the afternoon and early evening. A strong tornado can drive a piece of hay through a tree, and toss a locomotive as if it were a child's toy. Most people die from the flying debris, as even the smallest of objects become lethal missiles.

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