
Um. One time, I had some ice cream, but I had to c**p, so I ate my ice cream while crapping... was this bad?

by  |  earlier

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...I like ice cream, and I like crapping.




  1. i don't know but thanks for sharing

  2. won't get any health problems from that.

  3. No problem with that. I've been known to eat while on the crapper on the occasion.

  4. Well, it's probably a good idea that you like using the restroom.

  5. no

    just odd =]

  6. Young chldren are obsessed with their bodily functions and like to talk about them. So, no it's not bad but when you grow up you won't feel the need to talk about it.

  7. Well, hhmmm...No worse than me sitting on the John while typing this.  ;)

  8. there's nothing wrong or bad with it, it's just most people would get turned off from eating while doing a c**p... but if you didn't, t's all good.

  9. You're a dork

  10. Well, as long as the ice cream was eaten before you wiped yourself, you're OK.

  11. Not if it was chocolate.

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