
Um i don't really no what to do right now ?

by  |  earlier

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okay well im bi and i have a friend and she likes me well loves me she said i liked her loved her alot a few months ago but now i like her as a friend but im with her brother and I love him alot and i want to see him and go over but she said no how do i get her to say yes to having me over to and and what should i do




  1. its not really her desicion your not going to see her shes just mad you left her for her brother she will get over it.

  2. you need to tell her you are just friends and that's it. explain you and her brother our in love and that she cant stop you from seeing him. it will be hard and she will be hurt but that's something she will have to deal with.

  3. see a phycologist!

  4. well, you can pretend to be not bi anymore, or say it was just a phase...

    and than tell them, and ask her to hang out!

    and ya, time will tell?

  5. I don't know how old you are but in you are 16 or 17 maybe you don't really know what you like it.  Perhaps your confused.  The question here does he feel the same way, otherwise you should seek some couseling.  ga

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