
Um i have a little, womanhood issue!!!?

by Guest45158  |  earlier

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is it norml to have creamy white discharge EVERYDAY it only stops when i have my period but the second my period stops its discharge again!!!

im 13 and i started periods in late december 2006!!

help me!!

im scared to wear skirts case people see it or something!!

help im scared it may be a yeast infection!!




  1. As long as the discharge isn't chunky or smell foul like fish or anything else, it just normal daily discharge that every woman gets.

    If you do have the symptoms I listed above though f a yeast infection, you can go to your local drug store and buy some Monistat. It will clear it right up.

    But otherwise, your completely normal.

  2. From:


    It’s perfectly normal for all women to experience vaginal discharge.  


    Vaginal discharge usually begins just before puberty and ends after the menopause. Effectively this is your v****a cleaning itself. Normal discharge is clear, white or creamy and may give off a musky smell, but it’s not unpleasant. You may notice the amount changing from time to time and getting heavier just before your period.


    However, if your discharge becomes thicker and has a consistency rather like cottage cheese, then you may have a bacterial infection such as thrush. And if it’s a greenish yellow colour then it may be more serious and could be a symptom of gonorrhoea or trichomoniasis. And be warned: chlamydia may also cause a change in your vaginal discharge.

  3. Discover everything about vaginal discharge and yeast infection cure in****a...

  4. Just wear a libra small panty liner, its for everyday protection andu wont even notice its there!

    Not a yeast infection dear!

  5. u might want to see

    ur doctor

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