
Um my rats wont stop eating?

by  |  earlier

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well i have two rats, they're only about 5 months, and they wont stop eating and stealing each others food! whenever i go in to feed them, they seem so hungry.anyone have an idea why they wont stop?




  1. iam just guessing here, but it may just be the weather..... animals like these eat alot during warmer months and store up for the colder ones. as far as the stealing goes, that probably isn't going to stop, they are scavengers and it's just in their nature to steal each others food or possibly you are not giving them enough. Is the bowl completely empty when you feed them again? Make sure they are getting enough to eat....Good luck!!!!

  2. um. They are both preggers. And... BTW they are rats. That's what they do is eat.

  3. OMG I have rats too! squel! lol ,its just a rat thing. its normal. completely normal

  4. That is typical rat behavior, many of mine do it too. Rats love it when it is feeding time, as their favorite thing to do is eat! Also, rats can be very territorial about their food, and will try and hoard, or hide it so that their cagemate can't get to it first. It's nothing to worry about as long as they are not drawing blood from each other when they fight. If they are, you should use a spray bottle to spray them each time they fight aggresively. Most rats will not be aggressive with food, but some males can be. I promise you though that they are both getting enough food to eat, regardless of the stealing behaviors. Goodluck!

  5. They could be getting tumors.  Rats are fairly tumor prone.

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