
Um theres these small white things in the water in my cup..?

by  |  earlier

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What are they? Should I get a new glass of water?




  1. It could be that you ate something and when you put your mouth on the glass it got in there from your teeth or your tong. ill grows!!!!

  2. might as well get a new glass of water


  4. You should get another glass of water, but by the time you read this, you would probably have already gotten a new glass of water.

  5. I'd get new water...

  6. They're minerals, like calcium, it's still healthy to drink it while it's like that usually, depends on how long you leave it out.

  7. Sometimes when getting tap water it looks like little particles floating in your water, when it's actually light from the sun refracting from the glass. What you're seeing usually goes away very quickly.

  8. OMG how stupid

    just get another glass of water

    there is no shortage in water is there?

  9. HA!


    A new glass.

    Don't drink the paper.

    Sounds unhealthy.

  10. they might just be little air bubbles but idk if those would look like pieces of paper....

  11. get a new cup dude!!!

    why would you even ask that

    i mean seriously!!

  12. get new water or if possible scoop out these white things with a spoon or something. good luck

  13. why would you drink water with white stuff in it


  14. woww.

    if your that worried about it get a new glass.

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