
Um...this is wierd but,is there anything that has a name when you can feel peoples emotions or feelings?

by  |  earlier

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idk...but i have this ability...




  1. It's empathy. Read this book: Children of Self-Absorbed by Nina Brown. It has really good material on that subject and how to shield yourself from other people's emotions overpowering you.  

  2. You are not feeling THEIR emotions or feelings,  You are feeling yourself reacting to your own perception of what you think their emotions or feelings must be based on what they're going through.  It's not their feelings, it's yours.  Even if the feelings don't match up with what you think they should be based on what you're looking at, trust me, they are indeed, your own feelings.  The feelings don't seem to match up because your feelings about things are changing, quite simply.  Just go with the flow and see where it takes you.

  3. It's not weird.

    Its called Empathy.


  4. sympathy.

  5. Having empathy for someone is like putting yourself in their position and feeling their emotions and feelings.

  6. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought you were suggesting being psychic. Like you can really feel them.  

  7. I believe the term is "empathy" or "empathetic".  

  8. I hope these help.


  9. sympathy/empathy

  10. People who feel empathy are empaths.

    It is not science fiction. I have that ability.

  11. no there i nothin'

  12. Perception?

  13. Empathy.

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