
Umm, what the heck. this isn't fair!?

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many people at my school think i get everything i am just because i am rich. i don't even know if my parents are rich. my mom is a math professor while my dad is a math professor as well with an online library, his own company and an organization (internatiional) he made.

(so you tell me.)

and i do not get everything i want. my parents have been bugging me about not getting anymore clothes because my drawers are full (they think so.. when others have moooree), and i get in trouble for not studying and going to too many sleepovers/parties (i'm only a pre teen).

and just because i dress nice doesn't mean anything.





  1. are you trying to show off because you seem kinda spoiled  

  2. well teachers really dont make much....but the online library/company may help.....

  3. people say the say to so wat if i have more stuff then the next person.....some have a lot and others dont that just they way it goes

  4. sounds like your spoiled. your dad obviously makes a lot of money because he owns his own company. and you just sound shallow...

    so really, just let it go. if you don't let it get to you, nobody will really care.  

  5. ummm....ya?

  6. they just might think ur rich because u have things they dont.

  7. That's not very fair. You dress nice because you know what cloths to buy. You have good style. You should just be proud of what you have :]

  8. Hi this is fair and it also is unfair.

    People usually think you are spoiled and rich when you get nice things. They get jealous because they dont have what you have and tend to think you get everything you want. No offense but since you drawers are full it doesnt matter that other people have more because you should apperciate what you. It isnt right that some people are judging you based on what you wear to schooll.

    I do agree with your parents though about the not studying and going to many parties. School always comes first that is what my parents always say. Of course you want to hang out with your friends but your education is important because that is what is going to get you into a good college and career one day. It might sound stupid to care now but im sure you will one day. I suggest you study because then sometimes if you do really good in school your parents could reward you with new clothing.

    Hope this helps =)

  9. Ya, I understand what you mean!

    This girl in my class thinks i have a HUGE house and get what I want and am a spoild rotten brat.

    I don't live in that big of a house AT ALL!  She lives in a appartment.  I don't get what i want beacuse if i did i would have a a lot more c**p. and yeah!

  10. People are just jealous of what you have for example nice clothes.  

  11. Well you don't sound spoiled :))..

    People think I'm rich and spoiled because I have a lot of nice clothing (its not to expensive, my mom just lets me buy things when we go shopping sometimes), I am the only child, and we had a maid come to our house a couple of times (someone saw her when they walked by, but my mom has an awful back and shes had 2 different surgeries on it as well as a couple others for various reasons, she has health problems, and I guess my grandma felt bad about being such a bi*** to her so she PAID for the maid, not us). I also get a lot of cool gadgets and different electronic items, etc. My dad works for CitiGroup in the auto/finance department, and he used to make a god sum of money before everyone got their paychecks cut, and my mother doesn't work, plus both of my parents have a car, and my mom dresses nicely, looks nice, and we have nice cars, well my dad's car is (its a new SUV from KIA), my mom's car is used. Oh, and maybe its because my mom gives me money when I do chores. It seems like I don't have to much clothing but everyone thinks I do, lol :)) I can wear a different outfit everyday for a whole month and then some. I've never said anything about having a lot of money, in fact I never really talked to anyone, but I guess people just assumed, plus my city is mainly poor Mexicans and Blacks (I am NOT saying Black and Mexicans are poor, just the people out where I live) so they must think White people are rich lol, a lot of them are illegal *yes my friends HAVE told me their parents are illegal*

    PS. I don't buy designer because its ugly and a waste of money, and I don't wear Areo, Hollister, American Eagle, etc I a pretty cool person and I but a lot of weird clothing, so I think I look like a typical rich person, just someone who likes to dress in costumish type clothing.

  12. umm.. ok?

  13. uh... what's the's question

    are you trying to show off ??

  14. i have the same problem..dont listen to people they are just jealous

  15. are you trying to show off?

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