
Umm.., v****a smell?

by  |  earlier

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so sometimes after my period it will smell a little bit, not bad or gross or anything just a little bit. and some times i have a white discharge. and i hear that that is pretty normal. but everytime i have s*x or do something sexual with my boyfriend, i have discharge and smell after it for a couple days. i dont know if it is because i'm just starting to have s*x again for the longest time or what. but what does this mean? help please.

(i'm 17)




  1. IT IS PRETTY OBVIOUS you have a vaginal infection whether it is serious or not defends on the finding of a competent doctor such as a gynecologist.

    v****a should not smell like a dead fish or a garbage canned, there must be something wrong with the inside of your v****a. I suspect you got STD virus. So the earlier to consult a doctor the better, the longer you put this up your health together with your reproductive organ is at stake.

  2. Most girls have a smell right after their period has ended... its normal. As is a smell after intercourse ... though I will tell you to use a condom every single time... no excuses.

    If you always have an unusual odor, especially if accompanied with itching, unusual bleeding, cottage cheese like discharge, difficulty or pain urinating... then see your doctor. Otherwise you're ok.

  3. Quit having s*x until you are married and douche and you may have a yeast problem. Go to the doctor as there should be no smell down there at all ever.

  4. Your vaginal secretions will always have your own distinctive aroma.

    After your period you have just sloughed off blood and uterine lining so for a couple days after you bleed your v****a is self-cleaning and will have a certain slight odor. During s*x your v****a produces lubricant which has another type of smell and that will linger for a day. s***n stays in the v****a for days after unprotected s*x. It mixes with your vaginal secretions and produces yet another aroma and continues to discharge until it completely drains out or is absorbed. This usually takes a day and you can sometimes detect the odor for a couple of days depending on your body.

  5. It might be because when you have s*x, you get wet and after s*x, your body might not let all of those secretions out as quickly as expected, so it comes out over the course of a few days. It is just cleaning out your v****a.

    The discharge is normal before/after your period. If it starts to smell funky or change colors, that is when it is bad.

  6. You may think I am joking but there is a condition called vaginitis and I am dead serious. You will have discharge and odor. Now I am not sure the cure but I know it is treatable. You should get down to your local Planned parenthood and talk to them they should be able to help you. As long as its not painful to have s*x or when you pee you should be clear of STD's

  7. normal dear. you can get feminine wash from anywhere as well if ur getting worried. but its normal. and the stuff after s*x is normal. dnt know why but it is. me and my friends are pretty open so i know that they all have the same.

  8. do you shower..

  9. the whitish sticky thing is .......

    Vaginal Discharge

    You can get this before period, after period and etc.

    This is really normal for you

    In fact if you dont have it you are stuck in growing from puberty


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