
Umm...Braces help!!!!!!!?

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Well on the 4th I'm getting my brackets on, the right after that I'm figure skating for 6 hours (like I do every thursday). Then one week later I get the wires on. So my question is will it hurt really bad (either week), Will the pain be so bad it will effect my skating? I'm 14 and have a high pain tolerance. Will I get blisters that day?

Next, I have to have them for 2 years, how long till I see results? My teeth aren't that screwed up, but I have bad overbite. How long till they look straighter. And what is the maximum time you can wear rubber bands a day. If i'm allowed, will wearing them 24 hours a day speed the process up a lot. My last "and is coming up, and (there it was) do you think it's weird seeing a 14-16 year old in braces.

Thank you for helping me!




  1. Well I Have Braces And It Took Me Atleast A Week To Stop Hurting Or Less....But It Only Hurt Me When I Ate So...

  2. okay, well i never got brackets or spacers. but i would highly recommend taking advil, tylenol, or ibuprofen a few hours BEFORE you get the treatments done.  when you get your braces on they tighten them to the right amount, and you should also take some pain killers before that.  it took my mouth a few hours before it started to hurt. so eat! and the last thing is i don't think seeing a 14 yr old in braces is weird, i got mine on when i was 14. people at my school have theirs and they're 19.  so age does def not matter

  3. I got my braces on brackets and wires together and yes i'm sorry to say it wasn't pain free. It was more annoying then anything. Ask your orthodontist if they have a wax to put over the brackets, that makes them not rub on the inside of your mouth. That helped me alot to not get blisters. Another thing is take an advil before or after to ease the pain of the wire, because the brackets them selves dont cause any pain it is the wire pullin on the brackets that causes the pain.

    Your lucky to only have them for 2 years, many of my friends and even myself are having them for 3 or 4 years. i have had mine for 3 years and im 15, i am getting mine off just before grade 11, so i only have one more year to go. My teeth were not very bad either, my teeth were only a little crooked, and I aswell had a pretty bad overbite. Mine looked straighter after a month, after a year they look very straight and now they look very very straight almost perfect.

    I do not know how long the maximum is to wear rubberbands because i do not need them, also you usually dont get rubberbands right from the beginning.

    Like i said before I'm 15 and have had braces since i was 13 and will have them until im sixteen. I think now a days no one really cares when they see someone in braces.

    On the first day they do tighten them but not to much it will only feel like alot becasue your not use to it.

    I got spacers they didnt hurt as bad as i thought they would i just took an advil and coped with the tenderness.

    A side note every time you get them tightened its going to be painful and tender to eat hard foods for a good 2 or 3 days after. I actually just got mine tightened on the 21st of august and now it feels tottally fine the pain was gone by the 23.

    I think your getting a little to worried about the whole thing i was worried to the main thing is to not worry about it and even though it hurts in the end you will have perfect teeth.

  4. Hi,

    A lot of you questions are specific to your orthodontist so write them down and ask him.  You do feel the pain when they tighten them but take a ibuprofrin.  Follow the doctors instructions to make the teeth move ask they should safely to prevent problems.  You will feel tightening pain the first day but lessens and if you have a high pain tolerance , don't worry, it is more nagging pain than real pain.

    I had braces when I was a kid.  Hated the thought and hated my parents for making me do it but am sooo greatful they did.  I even had night head gear, but like a fool I never wore anything, including my bands and I ended up having braces from 5th grade til Jr year in H.S So do everything you can to follow the process along.  Also, you will look fine, braces are cool now.

    But as a word of warning, keep using your retainer after they tell you to stop to hold the teeth in place, mine spread out (I had 6 permanent teeth pulled for the braces) and now I have a gap in front so now at 43, I need braces again.

    But they are smaller now  and do not look like the old style from the 80's and I know I would never follow the invisilign program if it was uncomfortable.  Be prepared to brush a lot more and you can decorate the braces with colored bands. Be brave and you will look great the rest of your life.  Good luck.

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