
Umm..My mother's Microwave Oven stopped working without any

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Im no sure..I ain't an electrician. What should I do? She was pissed off as I was home when It stopped working so I get all the blame!.......I think there's something wrong with the fuse..but I wanna make sure.

Its a Samsung M1935NCE 1000W. Been working so good so far. I can only remember me using It last and leaving the door open as usual. I've read the manual use.




  1. Buy a new one, don't mess with a microwave.

  2. depending on how old the microwave is, and whether a lot of popcorn has been popped in it, it might have a build-up of butter inside of it. that is the most common reason for a microwave to  stop working.  Have someone who knows what they are doing take it apart and clean it out. Or take it to a local tech school and ask them to fix it.

  3. its probibly a simple eror. like maybe it is short circuting by another wire, or you got water in the electrical pannel through the wires.

    if thats so, buy a new wire for  $5:00... or be lazy and buy a whole new microwave.

  4. its had it,.. buy a new one,..microwave is not Worth fixing.. it cost just the same of getting a new one.

  5. Microwaves arn't that expensive these days just get your folks to buy another one. It's not your fault that it stopped working unless you put something in there that you wern't supose to.......If you really didn't do anything wrong then tell your mom that it wasn't your fault and is she doesn't believe you then you can't do much about it.

    Not worth fixing though, unless you know someone who knows how to fix things and can do it for either free or cheap.

  6. You may want to check the little plastic latch thingys on the door... One time one of mine broke off so the microwave could not sense that the door was closed and wouldn't turn on.  Not sure if thats what it is, but i hope it helps.

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