
Umm UFO or Satteliete?

by  |  earlier

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ok i was ridin in my car wit my grandma and

and it was sumthin like this


it was like

a 2 winged Side thing and a long thing in the middle and it had 4 lights on the bottom and it made no noise just hovering over a empty piece of land :/

it was a bright light on each wing?

and 2 lites in the middle Soo was it a sattielte or UFO?




  1. New World Order vehicle.

    Think more along the lines of extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":


    If you just HAVE to believe in them, they have something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" just in time for 2012! MAny will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew ahead of time.

  2. LOL, idk 1 time i saw these ghost bt it turnd out it was a light lol.

    i wuld say ita a UFO cus its more interesting that way jaja

  3. It was a plane that was far away but seemed to be close to you.

  4. Neither. Maybe it was a Ron Paul blimp, it has pretty much the same light configuration at night. See picture below.

    It hovers and it is pretty much silent. Also see video.

  5. Currently with our human technology any intrusion to earth can be detected.

    So either you make this story up or that is a toy modified helicopter.

  6. If you could spell and use correct grammar your story might be more convincing.

  7. With your grammar, I will make your life a lot more exciting and say that it was a UFO, which is what you want me to say.

    P.S. They let retards drive now? Oh wait, that explains a lot!
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