
Umm...i recently started soccer...any tips?

by  |  earlier

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okay. so i signed up for soccer. and my first practice, i almost passed out. i started crying and i couldn't breathe. so i was just wondering, if anyone had any tips for me, (a beginner). is there any right way to breathe? i'd really appreciate it, thanks. (:

Ohh, yeahh, and i already know that i need to hydrate, what's better? gatorade or water?

thanks peeps :]




  1. yess

    my soccer season started already

    i run bout 20miles by the end of the day

    you need to control your breathing

    and dont push yourself so much your first day

    if you wake up sore thats a good sign

    and work out again even if your really sore

    and try eating carbs like spaghetii and yes have a good breakfeast ahha

  2. Football (or soccer as you might want to call it), is an exhausting sport. If you play as hard as you did on the first day, you won't last much long, unless you have a good mindset. Remember, it's not a club where you exert every ounce of energy you have to just stay on the team, it's a learning experience. Just put all your effort  into it, and try learning technique instead of chasing the ball around. If you have that situation again in a week or so, you might want to tell your coach because you want to stay healthy instead of burn out and miss practice. BUT, you HAVE TO TRAIN HARD! Do your best that you can do and don't look like someone who gives up easily. Don't give up unless it's affecting your health adversely.

    By the way, I drink G2 gatorade, which is low on calories and is really good. Tastes like medicine at first but you'll get used to it. and breathe with your mouth. using your nose is not recommended because you'll never get enough oxygen intake like that.

    Do you know how to shoot a soccer ball? If you do, then awesome, you're going to learn techniques a bit easier. If not, tell your coach to train you. Usually, coaches NEVER tell you how to shoot a soccer ball. don't toe kick  because you have no control over the ball and remember that it's a team sport, so don't hog the ball the whole time. if you have an opportunity to shoot, shoot unless you can do a play with one of your teammates to secure the ball in the net. Just have fun!

  3. The best way to breath is to breath in through your nose and breathe out through your nose. The beginning of soccer is the toughest because the coach wants to get rid of the weaker players and the ones who don't want to work, but after awhile i think you will enjoy it. it's a lot of fun. And I'm not sure which is water or gatoraid I think it depends on the person.

  4. Just keep trying it should become easier and if it doesn't and you are not having fun then don't sign up the next season.

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