
Umm.ive been playing for about 1 year and a half,and im down too a 1 handicap, wat are my chances on the tour?

by  |  earlier

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i dont mean now ,,,but lets say after college




  1. yes this feat is pretty much unheard of but very possible, a fellow golfer actually blindly tried out for our varsity team and made it... and we have an extremely competitive golf program.  he  now has a full scholorship to duke to play golf and is probably going to make the tour within a few years.

  2. If you are planning to attend college, you had better bone up on your academics for at the moment your sentence structure is poor, your spelling even worse. As I have stated before, it is amazing just how many players are so much better than Tiger Woods when they expound on the internet. Play in good competition and if the 1 holds up, scrape up $5,000. and try to qualify for the tour.

  3. Like "the basic..." said IF you are for real then GO TO the coach at your school NOW and ask for a try out.You are sure to get a chance to play college golf and you need that first.

  4. You have no chance.

  5. A 1 handicap in less than two years ??? on a regulation golf course??? You need to have a course pro go out with you and see that .... then video it and send it to the golf channel ... then call up Nike and get a contract.. because if you are not pulling our legs here "I am not worthy, I am not worthy"

  6. Are you sure you are at a 1 handicap?  Playing for 1 1/2 years and getting to below 10 handicap is almost unheard of, let alone a 1 handicap.  So what you are saying is that in a round of 18 holes on a standard golf course, not taking into consideration of the sloop rating for that course, you are hitting 72 strokes or 73 strokes consistently and honestly??  If you are, you definitely should consider joining the tour.  At least try out at your regional competitions and put some wins under your belt.  You can probably get a great golf scholarship at almost any college you wish to attend with a 1 handicap.

  7. The tone of your question sounds immature and lacking in belief.

    I want to add to this.

    I read an article recently about Tiger where they worked out what his handicap would likely be if he was just a normal club member.

    Taking into account the tees they play off, the layout of the courses, the pin positions and everything else that these guys have to face they calculated that Tiger's club handicap would be plus 13.  Yes that is +13.

    Meaning that he would have to shoot 13 under to get 36 stableford points.

    Bring that back to your question and I would say you have a lot of work to do.  There are hundreds if not thousands of golf pros that are much better than even a scratch handicap golfer that have eventually had to give the pro ranks up.

    You have a lot of work to do.

    Good luck

  8. With a 1 handicap you will get into a college no problem.

    The only question you have to ask yourself, is do you know all of the rules? Do you play proper by giving youself stroke pens when you lose balls etc.

    Make sure you know the rules, don't go finding a college and you find yourself you true handicap is 18.

    To be off 1 after less then 2years is excellent and I wish I was.

  9. If you've only been playing for 1 and 1/2 years and already have a true 1 handicap, then you certainly qualify as a 'natural' and should consider it as a profession.

  10. first of all, i want to hear about your mental game and not how good you are. if you dont have the mental side you have NOTHING! im 14 and im scratch. but you are most likely to make the tour if you stick with it. good luck man.

  11. If you can improve your English sufficient to fill in a score card, I'd say you have an excellent chance.

  12. First I do believe you unless you are playing par threes.

    Most 1 handicap players would not even shoot in the 70's the way the pro courses are set up.

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