
Umm possible miscarriage?? just had baby please answer..?

by  |  earlier

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i had some yucky dark redish blackish brownish (cant really describe the color) of slimy goo comin out of me. it lasted for about 3 days...iit was aloottt the 2nd day. i had just had my period 2 weeks before and it was normal.

heres why i assume: i had unprotected s*x wit the father some time before. boxed with a friend used the bathroom later and came to see the dark slimy goo

any ideas what it may be?




  1. Sounds more like an infection to me.

    I'd set up an appointment ;[

    ;] Meg

  2. I am a CMA

    When did you have your baby??

    You should go to your Gynecologist as Black discharge is usually a sign of a foreign object in the v****a.. Miscarriages are usually heavy bleeding, cramping and LARGE clots which is expelled fetus

    Please see your Gynecologist.. You can also get a pregnancy test and see if there are hcg levels in your system if there are then yes it was a miscarriage

  3. It's very possible it was a miscarriage.  Or it could have been some leftovers from the pregnancy that never came out.

    How old is your baby?

  4. it's your hormones getting back to normal definitely not a m/c wait another month and you should have a normal period

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