
Umm whos better all time low or panic! at the disco??

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Umm whos better all time low or panic! at the disco??




  1. I'll let you decide:

    All Time Low Picture:

    Panic! At the Disco:

  2. Personally I'd say panic at the disco,

    but i think the two bands are both good and quite similar.

  3. All Time Low!!!!!!

    they rock

  4. Panic at the Disco

    P.S there is no more ! in Panic at the Disco

  5. for the person who posted the pictures, no offense but you can't really decide who's better off their looks.

    i love both bands, because they play a different style of music.

    if you've listened to all their songs, all time low is more alternative and rock, and panic has fun with everything and isn't as "rock". they're both really good, so i guess it depends on you what you go for more.


    oh and PS, they took the exclamation out of their name. wierd huh? (:

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