
Umm why exactly would you leave a 4 and 5 year old home alone at night even with the alarm set?? STUPID!!?

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Umm why exactly would you leave a 4 and 5 year old home alone at night even with the alarm set?? STUPID!!?




  1. That really is stupid. No good parent would do that. I don't even like checking the mail when my son is asleep, I could never leave him alone... imagine if something happened.

  2. That is sheer stupidity. I dont even leave my kids alone in our apartment for 2 minutes to check the mail! And the mail box is like 10 feet away!

    People are stupid. Who did that by the way? Or is this in reference to that couple who left the kids in the hotel room while they enjoyed a 'nice' dinner?

  3. I Dont know why are you asking me!? they might kill each other!!!!!!

  4. Why? Because the McCanns did it and never even got in trouble!  They just got money donated and blessings from the pope.

  5. Yeah STUPID...

    Isnt that half the reason that Madelyn Mccann went missing because her parents were to selfish to look after her and went and had dinner leaving her and her two younger siblings alone in a hotel room in a foreign country...

    I mean im not that padantic that i wont go and check the letter box while my kids are home but ill always take my keys when i walk out the door just in case..

  6. stupid, selfish, ignorant, idiotic, moronic....shall I go on??  The number of bad things that could happen while you are away are too numerous to contemplate!

  7. not only is it stupid, it is ILLEGAL

    some people need to be evaluated when the baby is born before it can go home

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