
Ummm spanish, machu picchu?

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what are the mysteries of machu picchu?




  1. I agree with MSDC and I am Peruvian.

    The Inka were an advanced culture, so please do not believe anything to do with UFO'S

  2. In my personal opinion, the mystery of Macchu Picchu is why the Inkas have abandoned it way before the arrival of the spaniards.

    The purpose of contructing the citadel seems obvious. They wanted a sacred place with the best possible wheather and hightness conditions not far from the capital Cuzco and at the same time, near a vast trade for goods comming from the jungle region.

    What made them abandon it? . . .  a disease? . . .  superstisious beliefs? Internal conflicts? . . . . Nobody will ever know.

    Remember that some diseases like weasels and small pox, attacked the region before any spanish set foot on the land, this was due to the great trading between the Inkas and the cultures of Central America and Mexico. The last true Inka, Wayna Capac died of weasels and he never met a spaniard. Maybe the trading with the jungle cultures brought a deadly disease also.

  3. Man, you have to go to Machupicchu, It is really amazing. You will see a hill  that has the form  of a human. In fact, has the face of an Inca. You will really love it. Also there are many holes that were canals for communications.  Going to Machupicchu is the best experience someone can get!!

  4. There are a number of mysteries surrounding Machu Picchu. First is : How did the Incas built it? The Incas didn't know or didn't use the wheel (there are proponents who say the Incas knew the wheel but it's form was considered sacred as it was the form of the sun so they considered a sacrilege to drag this form on the ground) and had bronce tools. How did they cut, polish and carry those hughe stones up that steep mountain and build that amazing complex?

    The second is: What was it? Was it a place of worship? Was it a vacation home for the king? At some time it was even considered that it was a place for mamaconas (the Inca version of the Roman Vestal Virgins) because, at first, only female bones were found burried in the vicinity of the ruins.

    Third: Where did everybody go? The complex was abandoned, even though it was never visited by the spaniards. Why?

    Now in spanish:

    Hay muchos misterios alrededor de Machu Picchu.

    Primero: ¿Cómo lo construyeron los Incas? Los Incas no conocían, o al menos no usaban, la rueda (hay estudiosos que consideran que los Incas conocían la rueda pero la consideraban la forma del sol, su deidad principal, y el arrastrar la forma del sol por el suelo era considerado sacrílego) y solo tenían herramientas de bronce. Como cortaron las grandes piedras, las pulieron, las cargaron hasta la cima de esa empinada montaña y construyeron ese impresionante complejo de estructuras.

    Segundo: ¿Qué es? ¿Es un lugar de adoración?¿Un lugar de descanso para el Sapa Inca? Hubo un tiempo en el que se consideró que era un sitio de mamaconas (el equivalente Inca de las Vírgenes Vestales de Roma) porque solo se encontraron restos femeninos en los entierros aledaños a las ruinas.

    Tercero: ¿Dónde se fueron todos? El complejo fue abandonado aún cuando los españoles jamás lo visitaron. ¿Por qué?

  5. How did they do it?

  6. by own  experience  :  just  i  tell u:  the  day u are in MACHUPICCHU  , then this  day u will feel  a  touch in  ur body/soul ;)

    a unforgettable sensation  ;)

    this feeling  would  be  a  mystery in ur  life ;)




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