
Umpire Interference or Not and what is the result

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the situation is runners at first and second with two out. The batter hits the ball sharply and it appeared that the ball may have deflected off the pitchers glove and then hit the umpire positioned directly behind the pitcher slight towards third base but in front of second. The ball then caromed into left field providing no play at first.

The umpire immediately called the ball dead, presumably this is in support of the defence so that no runners could score as a result of this umpire interference. It is questionable as to whether this is the correct call given that the ball may have touched the pitcher in which case the ball should have remained live and the offence would then have easily scored by the runner advancing from second to third, given the balls location in left field. But it was the base umpires judgement to call the ball dead, allow the runners to move one base forward (forced) and give the batter first base. The home ump stated that the ball definitely hit the pitcher first. So now what happens? The actual result was to have the batter return to home plate and the runners returned to first and second (so basically it was a redo!). This seems wrong to me and some judgement should have been used in determining that had the ball remained live there was still no play at any base. So I guess the question is if the base ump calls umpire interference and then confers with the home ump and determines that umpire interference was not the right call, do you really return the batter to the plate?




  1. He shouldn't call the ball dead-I'm sure it was discussed in the pre-game. It's a live ball, the umpires are part of the playing field. Minimum the batter gets first base credit for a hit, runners move up one base.

  2. The only thing that could be done was to let the base umpire's call stand. Once the ball is declared dead in error, it's dead. You most certainly cannot have a "do over." There are no "do overs" in baseball.

  3. this is the umpire interference seciton

    "the plate umpire inteference with the  catchers throws runner my not advance. Note: the intefrence should be  disregarded if catchers throw retires runner.

    The ball is dead and runners retrun to bag.

    A fair ball  touchs runner or an umpire on fair trritory before it touchews an infeilder inclduing the pitcher or touchs an umpire before it has passed an infeild  other than pitcher.

  4. Well... what can you possibly do to benefit both teams? Nothing... it will be unfair for at least 1 team. Personally I think he should have given the batter 1st base though..

  5. One thing you are forgetting -- When the ball hit the umpire did the shortstop give up on the play (stop playing in essence)?  What is not to say F6 could have fielded the ball and made a play?

    Simply put by literal rule the umpire may or may not have been correct.  But in the interest of common sense and fair play I would have ruled interference as well just to put neither team at a disadvantage.  

    By returning the batter to the plate the game is being set up for a protest.  This is never an option.

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