
Un-social rat!?

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my mom wont let me get my rat a friend so he now has a very bad"bond" with me and i cant pet him or else he bites! how do i make him more social and less agressive without haaving to get him a friend?

P.S. "jerry" was got as a feeder to the snake but he did not get eaten so he is our pet and so my mom didnt want him in the first place. im making a list of why he needs a friend so i need some ideas!

THANX! ♥ :)




  1. Haven't you already asked about Jerry?

    Your best bet if you can't get Jerry a friend, is to try to re-socialize him.  Start off trying to feed him things from your hand, maybe something longish so you don't have to worry about getting bit like some carrot or a noodle.  Once he gets used to this, then try to get him to eat it from the palm of your hand.  Try to teach him that when you touch him, he gets a treat, so it's good.  You want to teach him to come to you vs reaching in and nabbing him.

    It's probably going to take awhile for him to get adjusted to being handled by people, so the key is to be patient.

    As a side note, one of my rats was always cranky when she was woken up.  She would nip at others to get them away from her.  I don't know if that's an issue for you or not.

    Good luck!

  2. rats tend to bite when they are scared so u have to make him comfortable and keep holding it or else he will not get used to u and wont feel comfortable with u holding him so keep holding him and if ur afraid he will bite wear gloves! p.s. i have a rat and thats excactly how he was so i wore gloves but now hes used to me

  3. ok, this should be all you need to convince your mom he needs a friend.

    lol, i know its long, but it rally does describe why rats need a friend better than any other thing i have seen.=)

    If she does not let you get him a friend, you should give him to someone who CAN provide him what he needs to be happy. I know that might be hard to do, but it is best for the rats sake.And that is the important thing, right?

  4. Jerry may be traumatized from being put into the snake's cage. We had a rat at the state park where I worked who was rejected several times by the same, but who had some neurotic behaviors afterwards. He is also not socialized yet.

    To socialize him, put his cage on the sofa or desk near you and periodically give him a little treat. I use cheerios for this because they are not high in fat or calories, but rats really like them. Just keep doing this - only reach towards him to give the treat, then leave him alone. He will be able to see and hear you and slowly his anxiety level will drop.

    Gradually you can try offering your hand carefully - I put the back of my hand upwards and curl my fingers under. Just let him smell your hand but don't grab at him. Ideally, you want to let him approach you on his own terms. Even if you cannot hold him, keep his cage near so he sees and hears you - this will help him get used to you and keep him from feeling isolated. If you are consistent, there is a good chance he will stop biting.

    As for a pal, you can explain to your mother that rats, like humans and many other animals, are gregarious. When left alone, they are more prone to aggression, neurotic behavior and even illness. Having bought Jerry, your family (including your mother) have a moral obligation to provide Jerry with a quality life. Having a friend would mean that the humans in the house would not need to make up all of the socialization he needs. Jerry will not only be a better, friendlier pet, he will also be a lower maintenance pet.

    Be sure to read up on how to do an introduction if you get a friend for him. You cannit plonk a new rat into Jerry's cage. They need to meet in a neutral place (the bathtub is a good place). It helps to put vanilla on them to mask the scent a bit. There are many sites online that will help you make a good intriduction so no one gets hurt.

    Good luck!

  5. Not having a friend is NOT the cause of his aggression. That's just pure lack of socialization.

    A friend may or may not solve that behavior.

    I don't think your mom is going to be up for getting a 2nd rat, when the current one is less than friendly. She may believe they're all that way.

    Anyways, for now, I would focus on trying to socialize & have your current rat gain trust in you.

    Feeder rats are minimally handled, therefore humans are not friends but are enemies in their eyes. It takes time & patience for many of them to think differently.

    Perhaps spending that kind of attention on Jerry, would let your mom know how well you care for him, and then she may consider allowing you to get a 2nd one.

  6. I have heard that rats can be nasty as pets.  My daughter wants a rat for a pet but I told her no way.
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