
Unable to Add Content?

by  |  earlier

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I want to add some things into my MyYahoo page, but when I click Add Content - or Change Layout or Change Colors - it just takes me to a blank page. This happens in Firefox, IE6, IE7 - both at home and at work.

If I do a View Source, all that's in the source of the blank page is (replacing <> with [] in case tags don't show):

[!-- compressed/chunked Wed Nov 29 20:15:46 PST 2006 --]

Anyone know what's going on?




  1. 1. Your security settings are to high on your browsers. You need medium high to ( accept cookies ). That will help get to the setting up of MY Yahoo. 2. You say at work. =  Work environment PC equipment sometimes do not allow some sites to be visited. They have filters and firewalls that only allow certain sites. 3. The new IE 7 may need permission to connect to the internet from your firewall. 4. Clear your cashe on browser. 5. If your runnig a lot of background items that lug your PC down temporally Pause or stop them. They will slow things up.

  2. no and of course you wont be able to get a real answer to why from Y! either because it is all automated. sorry
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