
Unable to find what is wrong with my mother's eye.?

by Guest58934  |  earlier

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My mother cannot see out of the left side of her left eye. She had an eye examination and was sent to a specialist. The specialist did a lot of tests including looking behind her eyes and she had a cat scan done. All the doctors say there is nothing wrong. It is not cataracts she had those removed a few years ago.

Does anyone know what this could possibly be?




  1. Cataracts can always reappear no matter what.

    It could be a cyst pressure at the back of her retina, she needs to keep going back, this is not normal. This is a problem that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible.

  2. My grandfather has the same symptom only in a different location. He had a clot there which harmed his sight, so I suggest you have your doctors check your mother for clots. She might some sort of retinal disease, although it seems the doctors have eliminated that. If your mother has some heart problems, the clot is a lot more likely. You should probably check that.

    I wish you the best of health :)

  3. My grandpa has macular degeneration where he can't see things in the center of his eyes.  He can see things on the sides but not the center.  He also sees patterns like spots, lines and curves.  He doesn't see normally now and is almost completely blind.  I hope you find out what is wrong with your moms eyes soon.  Good luck.

  4. to counter what another poster said: cataracts dont "come back".  thats a myth.

    and if she's missing the vision from the left "side" of her vision, that doesnt sound to me like cataracts or macular degeneration.  that sounds like visual field loss:

    could be a lot of causes: vascular disease (like temporal arteritis, stroke, etc), tumor, aneurysm, lots of other things

  5. It could be a lot of things. She could have a secondary cataract and might need a "YAG" which is a laser treatment to remove it. Did you mom see an optician or an ophthalmologist? If the optician refered her to an ophthalmoligist then that's normal. If she was refered to a macula specialist or corneal or a retinal specialist that is different. The worst case senario she has some macula or retinal problem and they might need to wait to do something about it. Is she seeing a large amount of black spots or flashes of light? If so, take her to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, those are signs of retinal detachment.

    Ask her doctor to write down on a piece of paper (for you to take home) what they found and go from there.

    Good luck

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