
Unable to remember things?

by  |  earlier

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I am unable to remember the simplest tasks that I perform at work, and my home life is very lack lustre at the moment.

I am unable to remember simple codes and other things that I need to do in order to get my job done well, I have had two disciplinary meetings so far with my manager. I just cant for the life of me remember where Ive put things exactly. Ill remember something that Ive done before but cant remember where exactly the paperwork is for it. I cant remember to pick up a piece of paper to show my boss and take it to show him for evidence that someone has asked me to do something. I will most probably loose my job within the next three months.

I can do the dishes, wash the clothes, iron, sew, pay bills, etc. but the house always looks so messy. It is clean but always seems to look outdated. I can remember to do things around the house, but Im very lazy with that.

Does anyone have any advice on this?




  1. Sounds like short term memory loss due to brain injury suffered in your accident.

    Get a notebook and begin writing everything down. In fact, the website below has a large number of "memory strategies" you can download, print and use.

    You can even contact the website authors if you have questions.

  2. Understanding why it is happening is the first step to changing it, and you've done that. Physical problems (like an accident) have physical solutions, and that's in your doctor's hands.

    Your boss needs to know that your memory problems are medical. Bring in a note from your doctor. Other than that, your job now is just to give yourself a break. You are doing everything you can.

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