
Unauthorized paypal transaction still pending what can i do?

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Unauthorized paypal transaction still pending what can i do?

today i went on my paypal to see if i got some money, cause i currently got 0.00 dollars in my paypal. and i look at the bottom and the recent transaction say,

Secure Card Purchase | To | M2C GLOBAL, INC CARROLLTON TX | Pending | -$149.90 USD.

one thing that questions me is that, how did this happen? it was used by a debit card probaly generated on my paypal plugin. also i had 0.00 in my paypal, how is it possible he can still buy things with not enough money. its still pending.




  1. call paypal asap

  2. if you have ever attached a credit card to your paypal and future purchases can be made directly with your credit card without the need to transfer funds first to your paypal.

    This is generally convenient, but obviously it is not good in your case.

    Because it is pending, call your bank and stop the transaction, and then contact your paypal and have them watch your account

    Change your password and don't make any purchases with that accound for a short while if possible.

    If all else fails, once the transaction goes through contact your bank and they will HAVE to refund your money.  

    It is then up to the bank to launch an investigation in an attempt to reclaim their lost money.

    Good Luck!

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