
Unbalanced love...Can my love for him grow?

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Hi, my boyfriend and I are in our 40's. We've only been dating one month but already he's saying he adores and loves me. He is absolutely the sweetest guy and would be a great husband, treats me like a princess and makes a great income. However, he has a bit of a geeky look and I just don't love him as much as he loves me. Personality yes, looks not so much, and if physical attraction isn't there I'm worried our s*x life will suffer. I so, so want to love him. I'm hoping someone out there has had this experience and can help me. Did your love grow over time?




  1. I have settled before, both in looks and personality. It all has to be in place, otherwise one is miserable. The chemistry has to be there. Just because a person makes a lot of $$$ or they worship you does not mean you will somehow learn to love them. Give yourself a time limit. If the spark does not happen by then, let him down easy.

    This is, of course, only if you are being truly honest with yourself and us. If you are going for perfection, you will never find it.

    I wish you well.  

  2. I know how you feel. Physical attraction is defiently important in relationships, but it's not the MOST important thing. All it takes is time, everything will fall into place and you will learn to love him. Your relationship will be just fine, if you start having a positive outlook. Keep reminding yourself about all the qualities you love about him. Hope this helps :) And good luck.

  3. Unless he looks like a "gremlin"  You can always suggest a new hairstyle, contact lenses (if he needs them) Maybe a new wardrobe. Face it honey, you are not getting any younger and there are probably a few faults that you, personally need to deal with.......Look in the mirror. Non of us are perfect.....

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