
Unbelievable - £30000 a year in benefits?

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11 Kids and admits he cant be bothered with working as he doesnt like sitting in traffic, currently planning baby no 12... ALL FUNDED BY THE BRITISH TAX PAYER !

Is it just me or does this wind you up to !!!!!!




  1. If the government want to save some money it's people like him they should be targeting to be forced into employment, and not those who are genuinely too ill to work.

  2. That is disgusting....

  3. absolutley disguisting the lazy ****!!!!!!!

  4. I believe that people who cannot control themselves nor support themselves should be 'neutered' after 2 on the dole!

  5. hah! and they tell us about pride and family etc, do not worry people like this will soon have to work for their benefits and you just watch them find jobs all of a sudden.

  6. Don't forget, on benefits he does not pay council tax,  rent or his mortgage. It will be all of us buying his house for him. Then, when he retires, he sells the house for  ÃƒÂ‚£250k  or £300k  moves back to his country of origin with that fortune in his pocket. ------Boy are we suckers.

  7. well i dont know quite how to answer this without a violation coming my way? but is this the rules and regs of our so called country.....that many people are clawing to get in. i think the answer is yes,and its us tax paying stupid gits thats funding these TWATS.......THATS RIGHT FOLKS TWATS.

    violation on its way???????????????

  8. Now you understand why the Que is four times round the block to get into the uk. But the Que to get out is longer

    Edit: It's true but it does not just apply to immigrants we have home grown ones to

  9. What the heck is this guy up to?! urgh this is why people are racist!! because of gits like this. I saw one women once who had 6 kids and £20,000 in benefits! its ridiculous! why do they insist on giving people money who dont deserve it?!

  10. As he has stated he has no intention of looking for work his 'Jobseekers' Allowance should certainly be cut.  Its ridiculous!!

  11. That's the System, and you gotta give it to them for knowing how to work it. I bet he drinks Karling Black, secretly, so the mosque will not know. You can't blame them when they're getting more by NOT working. There are many white blokes doing it, but  NOTW does not feature them. Staying at home means he will have more time to be a good dad and breed more. Let's see if they can hit the $50K jackpot. Mothercare, SMA, Boots, etc., should be rushing up to her and offering her free goodies for 10 years.  Gud on ye, mate!

  12. another dozen suicide bombers on the way ...........

  13. the blokes a scum bag! i spose tho what do you expect when cousins get married?

  14. That's an old story that's been posted a few times. And I wouldn't believe a word that rag prints.

  15. It winds me up everytime I walk through my local town centre and I see winos and drug addicts who get extra money each week to fund their habits.

  16. this is sickening! this is why people are racist. He should get his lazy *** out and get a job. If you cant support your family then simple dont have kids. This makes me so angry... Im aware its all races and ethnic groups and not just him but hes taking tax payers money and then bitching about our government. he should f**k off if he doesnt like it!

  17. The idea that generation after generation can grow up in the UK believing that unemployment is a career option is dividing the country. There must be some way of stopping a total waster like this from sponging on those of us who work. The legislation passed by Brown and Blair has simply created a vast array of moral hazards. Its a pity a sensible guy like Frank Field had not been in charge.

  18. what a lovely family, enjoy them everyone, cos they are costing you enough! Do you think they are taking the mick out of us? well, they belong to us, we own them, bought and paid for with british tax payers money, so, what shall we do with them I wonder?

  19. they give the benefits to this sort of person and the poor old pensioner has to try and keep warm it  is heat or eat where they have to choose it is very wrong i hope the government reads this

  20. Nothing like a contrived News of the World story with loaded rhetoric ("BRITISH TAXPAYERS! TAXPAYERS MONEY! IT'S US WHO PAY!") to provoke the racist side of what are normally fairly amicable people.

  21. Dont forget that Lizzy from wife swap was claiming £30,000 a year as well.. it works for all races as long as you are willing to have hundreds of sprogs.

  22. i have to work till 70 got a toy boy hubby happy you bet

  23. These people should be sent back from whence they came.

  24. "I have used a condom once didn't like it, and it's up to god if we have any more kids"

    He should try abstaining from s*x, or get the chop, what a scrounger, and what an example he is showing to his brood.

  25. I don't believe that for a minute.

    Job Seekers Allowance is no more than £120 per fortnight, even with all the stuff like Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and anything else he may be entitled to for the kids, it wouldn't even come close to half that amount per year.

  26. it disgusts me!  No pride, no guilt, just as money grabbing idiot.

    I'm so fed up of my taxes paying idiots like this to sit around and do nothing.

    After 6 months on jobseekers allowance you should be forcibly put to work!!

    People who work don't get any breaks from the governemnt but people who can't be bothered working get everything.  It's disgusting and quite frankly WRONG!!!

  27. And guess which party came fourth in Rochdale?

    Oh, and he doesn't get the house for free, note no housing benefit, he presumably bought his house during his 25 years (by my calculation) of teaching.  During this time he would have been paying his taxes and NI contributions, it is likely the JSA comes out of his own contributions, but the News of the World doesn't point out things like that of course.

    I'll try and add one bit of balance though, 'they' aren't all Muslims:

  28. You can understand him giving up his teaching job and after paying tax for all these years himself, nobody should begrudge him claiming jobseekers allowance while he searches for alternate work, but i find it hard to see why such a qualified person still cannot find work to support his family after 3 years!

  29. Makes me sick. My daughter is only 6mnths but I am now back at work. I do like work, dont get me wrong but in their first year they go through so many changes! Why have kids if you can't support them? There is always a job out there! What type of example is being set for the children? I had my first jobm when I was like 12(picking berries), I work hard cause my parents did! What will be in the future if so many others do the same?!!!!

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