
Unbelievably frustrating situation?

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I'm a 18 and a sophomore in college. Last year I had a really bad crush on someone and I didn't know she had a gf until I had kinda already let them know...and it was really embarrassing and awkward for the rest of the year. Lots of tension and misunderstandings that were not resolved by the end of the year...they could have been resolved, but I saw the situation in a different light at the time. I did a lot of emotional maturing and serious reflection this summer and I realized so much that I didn't before about both myself and the situation.

Well, anyway, she didn't come back this year. Yeah - I feel awful, so I'm kind of going thru it right now. On top of that...a couple of her friends and her gf (or ex now) live in the same dorm as me...yeah awkward moments aplenty...

Overall, I'm pretty unhappy. I wanna clear the air so badly, if not with her (who I have no contact with) then with them...I know I messed up but I didn't fully realize it until too late. Don't know what to do...plz help...I know you're like "just talk to them" but it's much more complicated than me, I would have done it by now...I don't know how to even start...




  1. Ask her ex for her contact details, if you talk to her ex.

    if not just make friends with her, idk, or get someone you know to get it off her.

    i understand what you mean by its too complicated to just talk to them.

    im not sure about college coz im in Australia but maybe you could move dorms (if thats possible)

  2. Go up to them or one of them and ask her to talk for a sec. Be blatant and tell her you feel so bad and awkward and are ashamed of how immature you were. Apologize and let her know you just had to get this off your chest, even if they hate you and you respect their feelings. Wether she/they like you or hate you or what (not clear) they will respect the guts it took you to step up and maturely clear the air like that. Then you can breathe easy whatever happens knowing you have grown up and done the right thing and expressed yourself. It's better than looking back and cringing years from now.

  3. Maybe they don't even think about the situtuation anymore. Instead of talking to them about the situtuation maybe you should find some other topic to talk to them about. Just to see if the air is as bad as you think it is. You might be making something out of nothing. And if you do start up a conversation and they still have ill feelings then you can clear the air with them. Tell them it was just a misunderstanding and you truly did not realize they were dating. If you had you would have never said anything.  

  4. Are you sure the reason why she didn't come back to college has anything to do with you? I'm just saying alot of people drop out or take a semester off for a variety of reasons. It just seems like you flirting with her and asking her out when she was already attached to someone else doesn't seem to do it. I realize it might of been embarrassing to you and it could have brought some conflict into her relationship but I think you taking on too much of the blame. Especially if you don't know for sure.

    The next time you see those girls just hold your chin up and move on. They might not even know you think they are mad at you and if they do, really its not your concern. Don't ruin or change your life because you want to avoid confrontation or embarrassment!

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