
Unbiased world news without so much US/Iraq/sensationalism?

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I'm interested in news organizations that cover world news in a direct way without opinions. I was wondering if there was a news source that isn't dominated by US/Middle East/Iraq coverage. I don't care about plane crashes, killing sprees, sensational stories, or other things that only affect a few hundred people or less. Any suggestions? Thanks.




  1. International BBC is good.

    DW News is good also.

    If you like conservative international news try the Economist

    Wikipedia news is getting better.

    I go to Democracy Now! for more liberal news

  2. the "Wall Street Journal This Morning" podcast is a greatly UNBIASED daily news report on world happenings.

  3. I don't know of any here in the states, because our media is set up to make their profits off ratings and the news is of secondary importance to the ratings. They will take one item and build it up and create a lot of different angles and nuances on it to build up public interest and get them hooked on the story.- They will take one murder or one kidnapping out of hundreds of thousands that occur in this country every year and run it for weeks- almost everyone in the country will be talking about it, and yet these are things that affect less then a dozen or so people. One of the best examples is out of all the earth shattering news they could have shown in their nightly coverage a while back , we had to be told every detail of someones 16 year old pregnant sister. I am amazed at the level to which our society has sunk.

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