
Unbreakable MLB records.?

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I just wanted to see what some of you thought about what records are unbreakable.

I like Fernando Tatis' 2 Slams in one inning...Also holds single inning record of 8 RBI....

Second I have the Minnesota Twins 2 triple plays in one game....

Im a sucker for odd records. But Cal Ripken Jr.'s Consecutive games is ridiculous!




  1. Cal Ripken Consecutive games

    Barry Bonds 73 season home runs

    Conseutive games hit 56 Joe D.

    Rbi's in a season Hack

    K's in a game 20 Wood

    Some others can't think of

  2. J-D's 65 Game Hitting Streak will never be broken

    and Cal Ripkens Consecutive Games is Crazy

  3. Pete Rose's record of 8124 outs will be tough to break.  Just to give and idea of this add 399 at bats to A-Rods 15 year total of 7725 then make all of them ALL of them fly outs, ground outs or strike outs.  

  4. Cal Ripkens, and maybe Don Mattinglys

  5. yeah id go with the 2 grand slams in one inning.. Ta-Tis

  6. cant believe Ricky isnt getting any love here.  Ricky Hendersons career stolen base record will NEVER be broken.  a player would have to AVERAGE 70 stolen bases a year for TWENTY years.  not going to happen.  many people thought Lou Brocks stolen base record would never be broken, and Henderson SHATTERED Brocks record, finishing with almost 500 more stolen bases in his career.  Rickys record will never be broken, never.

    DEMS UNITE ..... Clemens also struck out 20 in a 9 inning game two times, and Randy Johnson did it once.  its not just Woods record.  if 20 has been done four times, logic would suggest it would be a rather easy record to break .... compared to the others mentioned, that is.

  7. Joe Dimaggio hit streak

    Nolan Ryan career strikeout total

  8. Cy Youngs win record, his loss record, and the innings pitched record.  

  9. Cal Ripkens consecutive innings,Nolan Ryans career strikeouts

  10. I don't think the highest batting average will be broken, I mean no1 has even hit 400 in how long...

    But Cal's record will never be broken, maybe by Grady Seizmore, last year he played every game and so has he this year.

  11. all except for fernando tatis'. Lou gehrighs 56 game hit streak will also never fall

  12. Barry Bonds Career Home Runs is a hard streak to beat and Cal Ripkens Consectuive Game Playing Streak. Also that most runs in a game set by Orioles vs Rangers in 2007 the Rangers won 33-3

  13. brad zieglers 39 1/3 scoreless innings to start a career. before that the record was 27? the record was 101 years old too

    edit- to the guy before me when did lou gehrig have a 56 game hitting streak

  14. defintely Cal Ripken Jr's record of most consecutive games

  15. Will mention a few  odd ones.

    Jack Taylor completed 187 straight games between 1901 and 1905.

    36 triples in a year. Ballparks are too small now.

    Vic Willis 29 losses in 1905. Pitches lost more before the turn of the century but those records are often considered before the modern day.  

  16. tatis 2 slams is unbeatable

  17. Any of the streaks and surges could be broken by somebody who's good, lucky and stays healthy.  Even Ripken's could be broken.  The one record I don't see ever being broken is Johnny VanderMeer's record of two consecutive no-hitters.  You'd have to pitch three to break it.  

  18. Joe DiMaggio's record of a 56 game hitting streak.

    Nolan Ryan's 5,714 career strike outs and 7 no hitters.

    Pete Rose's 4,256 career hits.

    Rickey Henderson's 1,406 career stolen bases.

    Ted Williams' single season batting average of .406.

    Ty Cobb setting 90 MLB records in his life time.

    Cal Ripken Jr. playing 2,632 straight games.

    *Kerry Wood threw 20 strike outs*

  19. Lefty Grove's life time winning percentage of .680.

    He is the only "300" game winner in the Hall of Fame that qualifies.

    Notice, I said "300" game winner.

    I also know that, since 1900, the only other qualifier for best winning percentage, that is in the Hall of Fame, is by "Whitey Ford", with a .690 winning percentage.

    Whitey was great but he only won 236 and had far fewer complete games and innings pitched than Lefty Grove.

  20. Any of Cy Young's records: Wins, Losses, Innings Pitched, but i think the most unbreakable will be the Complete Games record (749) no pitcher in the history of the game short of Cy Young's clone will come close to that record

    Ripken Jrs consecutive game streak is not going to be touched, especially with guys gettin days off for not feeling 100%, im sure Cal wouldve demanded to play even with a broken leg

  21. Cy youngs wins

    Dimaggios 56 game hit streak

    Bonds' 73 home runs

    Hack Wilsons 192 rbi's in a season

    Nolan Ryans strikeout and Walk record

  22. Anything having to do with complete games, innings pitched, or triples for a season or career.

    Nobody will break Cy Young's record of 511 wins.

    Nobody will throw 3 consecutive no-hitters which is what it will take to break Johnny Vander Meer's record.

    Ty Cobb's .366 batting average should be pretty safe.

    edit: Actually the record for strikeouts in a game is 21 by Tom Cheney.  Wood, Johnson, and Clemens hold the record for a 9 inning game with 20.  So I guess you could add that it would be tough to break Cheney's record of 21.

  23. none all records are made to be broken but i believe the hardest record to break would be 197 rbis in a single season

  24.         Ricky Hendersons stolen bases record 1,406

  25. I have a few that I believe won't be broken. Here they are:

    1. RBI's in a season: 191 (Hack Wilson)

    -I just don't think anyone can break this. People may get close, but it just won't happen. If it didn't happen in the years of 70 and 73 HR's in a season, then it won't happen anytime soon.

    2. Batting average in a season: .426 (Nap Lajoie)

    -OLD record, but certainly won't be broken, enough said there.

    3. Strikeouts in a career: 5714 (Nolan Ryan)

    -We have unbelievable guys pitching in this era like Clemens and Randy Johnson, yet they can't even get close. I just don't think anyone has the stuff and endurance for that type of feat.

    4. Hitting Streak: 56 games (Joe DiMaggio)

    -This is the biggest one. I can't think of any type of magic that could even pull this off. How in the world did Joe accomplish this????? Anyways, just won't be broken.

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