
Uncensored news resources?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know of some good news resources that are not all censored, because I know cnn keeps some of the important **** out of there.. anyways any would be helpful.




  1. Try keeping an eye on different papers for different view points - every news source in the world censors -- i.e. selects what they publish -- but if you visit enough different sites, you get enough different POVs to work out what's going on.  Also, read some analysis to understand stuff better to see *how* stuff is censored/misrepresented/spun and why.  

    Best site to visit is Arts & Letters Daily - they mainly feature opinion pieces etc., but down the left-hand side of the screen are links to heaps of reputable international newspapers - that'll keep you busy. It's great to be informed about world news! And highly addictive :-)

  2. I find the Canadian Broadcast Network to be very imformative,and unbiased.  No annoying sound effects or flashy sets. The BBC is very good also,but has some trouble with "official" Washington sources. But ALL the US,TV news media is totally censored!  Once you've figured out the 'code',it's very easy to know when they're blowing smoke up your butt! I watch just to find out what they're up to. Because of knowing the 'code',I've saved countless thousands on my home loans,with prompt action to fix my rates 3 years ago at 5.25%!  I saw that the gas was gonna go way up at that time as well,and dropped a new engine in a otherwise 'cherry' '85 Honda Prelude. Cost me $2,500 for it. Now I can cruise to work and the store for $40 every two weeks! Pay attention to what is left out!  Know your FACTS,and take it from there.

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