
Uncircumcised p***s and American culture problem?

by Guest66844  |  earlier

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First off I'm an uncircumcised guy and I've heard many girls negatively react or talk about an uncircumcised p***s in a negative sense (never directly at me as they didn't know I was uncircumcised). My question was if you came across an uncircumcised guy when you guys were in the moment would you turn him down or would you fool around with him and just never do it again. I like this girl and we were talking about circumcision one day as a group of which she said uncut men are gross. She then asked me if I was circumcised I told her I was and then she said that I'd better be.

I just turned 18 and I don't have to much experience but I'm pretty sure she wants to sleep with me and I want to sleep with her I just don't know if I should because I'm uncircumcised. While she is a really cool girl I can totally see her flipping out, getting up and walking out and then telling all her friends about my circumcision status. Should I advance the relationship or not? Please be brutally honest




  1. Ouch!!  I can't even fathom such a thing. My husband is uncircumcised and that is s**y.

    I heard that uncircumcised men are more sensitive and if they are new to s*x it can be somewhat painful. So early in their s*x life they need to spend time massaging the area when showering.  And that using a condom helps. They say the painful sensitivity will go away the more s*x you have. So say the men.

    The only other thing is hygiene, but when is that not important.

    If your girlfriend cares about you enough to have s*x, then I doubt if it really matters.

    Young girls say all kinds of things. Often to seem more knowledgeable then they really are.


  2. have a circumcision. it will solve not only your current problem, but also your future problems.

  3. I'd say what the above have said ^^.  If she has any problem with that, then she's not worth it.  The fact is that both circumcised and uncircumcised wangs are just as hygenic/unhygenic as the people who own them.

    You might also take solace from the fact that circumcised penises (penii?) gradually lose their sensitivity due to their over-exposure, thus diminishing sexual enjoyment. You win!

  4. really?  you think she'd just turn around and walk out?  while I admit that uncircumcised is not the norm, there are plenty of guys in America who haven't been chopped.  I've encountered a few in my day and while it was a little suprise, it didn't turn me off or send me away.  actually, in the end, I liked it more than the alternative.  

    you should go for it!  if she walks out of the room, she's probably a little prude and wouldn't have been that much fun in bed anyways!

    good luck

  5. First off, there are a *lot* of guys around your age who are not circumcised. I'd guess about half the little boys (now guys 20-22) in nursery school were not circumcised; the moms talked a lot about how they reached the decision to do it or not.

    Girls who think a man is gross the way nature made him are ignorant and/or inexperienced. There's nothing gross about an uncut guy--if and only if he pushes back the f******n and cleans properly. (If he's careless, then smegma builds up there and that *is* gross.)

    I'm guessing that the girl in question is thinking you're not as clean as a guy who's cut, and she's thinking about her mouth. Since you can talk about circumcision with her, you might take the opportunity to educate her about hygiene for uncut men.

    If this girl would reject you for being intact, move on. There are many girls who are fine with it.

  6. There are few problems here beyond your p***s. First, it was ridiculous (as you probably realize) to lie about something like that. Second, if she doesn't just want you for s*x, but actually likes you, then, she shouldn't care (though she might care that you lied). Before you do have s*x, maybe you should sit down with her, explain to her that you lied about that and explain WHY you did (you're self conscious, you want her to like you, etc). Personally, if I were in the heat of a moment with a guy, and he turned out to be uncircumcised- wouldn't bother me....but finding out i'd been lied to would (I'd assume he could just as easily lie about other things).  

    In response to your question, I'd like to say that it's likely a lot of girls making negative comments don't have experience with an uncircumcised p***s. Some women, who have experienced both, actually prefer an uncircumcised p***s:) And if she is a really cool girl, your f******n should not evoke that reaction in her.

    Your f******n will actually be a bit of an advantage to you. First, the tip of your p***s is more sensitive than your circumcised peers because the outside of it hasn't been roughened in response to constantly rubbing against clothing and whatnot. Second, the retracted skin sliding up and down acts as a lubricant. Third, the f******n has nerve endings that are going to feel pleasure from being massaged and rolled (which it will be when retracted on your shaft). In fact, circumcisions are sometimes not preformed very well, for instance, in the case of my boyfriend, too much skin was removed. Sometimes even the frenulum- the most sensitive part of the p***s- is partially or completely removed. s*x is probably going to be better for you, and certainly not any less pleasurable than it would be for her otherwise:)

    I do think there is a bit of a negative stigma against uncircumcised guys in the US. BUT I think it's found among males as much, if not more, than it is females. Your concern is a prime example. My boyfriend is circumcised and thought it was, as a rule, always preferable to otherwise (he was wrong). And so on.  But, if you need some inspiration-- my brother is 18, lives in the US, and is uncircumcised, and he's also quite a ladies' man. So, don't worry about it:)

  7. You probably shouldn't have lied... Not quite a good base to found a relationship on. Sit down with her and talk to her about and and say you lied because you felt embarrassed. She should understand that. I mean, when you're fooling around it kind of goes back anyway right? Maybe she wouldn't notice?

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