
Uncircumsized p***s in Canada..need help?

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I live in Canada (ontario) where it seems as though every male is circumsized but sixteen and kind of shy when it comes to the ladies because I think they might be disgusted or something (I even feel wierd in my hockey dressing room so I shower at home)




  1. Actually I saw the stats on Canada and in your age group, most are not circumcised! So you are not the odd one out. And don't worry, most girls should be used to guys with a whole, normal p***s, if they have a problem with your f******n then dump them! Please don't be concerned, you're lucky you have all your skin!


  2. What exactly do you need help with?  If a girl is worth anything, she won't mind whether you have a f******n or not.  Don't get circumcised for girls or for anyone else other than yourself.

  3. I'm sorry that you feel out of place. Circumcision has not been covered by Medicare for some time in Canada thus while most boys continue to be circumcised, it is not recorded.

    I've helped wth getting circmcisions for several boys in their under puberty years. Some are really concerned about it but later they are happy that it was done.

    As a woman, I greatly prefer a circumcised guy but now that you are getting older YOU have the choice. Good luck

  4. I'm sorry that you are uncircumcised but you should still be proud of what you have.

  5. Try not to worry about it, John. A lot of guys are not cut, including me. I used to think I was weird because I am not cut, but not anymore. In fact, I would not have it any other way. Be cool, it's okay. Your true friends should not care either way.

  6. be proud to be intact, all your friends just have part of a p***s, you have the whole thing, be proud that you still have the most sensitive parts

  7. well, its just a p***s, it shouldnt get u uncomfortable its ur main vein, be proud of it....

    if it bugs you that much just get clipped

  8. wow . here in england almost every male is uncircumsised, apart from jews and muslims .

    i prefer uncircumsised but only because i have more experience with that and find it normal . it wouldnt matter if i liked the bloke whether hes circumsised or not .

  9. So your parents didn't have a religious reason to circumcise you and they didn't want to be lemmings and just do it because everyone else was doing it.  GOOD FOR THEM AND FOR YOU!  There is just no sound medical reason for lopping off f******n.  You already know that good hygiene is enough to keep you clean.  You could have ended up with nerve damage or other problems.  Nothing was wrong with your p***s so your parents were wise enough to leave it alone.

    Normally if you are erect your f******n will retract.  You should practice safer s*x by using a latex condom, if you become active.  I doubt it will be much noticed if you have a f******n and it will definitely not turn a girl off.  As for the locker room, everyone should keep their eyes to themselves anyway.

  10. In the older generations it is more common to be circumcised in Canada because back in the 60s and 70s about 50% of males had it done.

    The most recent indications showed less than 17% of boys are circumcised in Canada nowadays though.

    I'm not sure the issue is to be honest, I mean not showering after hockey... is it really that common for guys to check out each others penises and comment on them? And as for the ladies, if a girl cares more about your circumcision status than your personality then she isn't worth the time or effort.

  11. an uncut p***s is more beautiful than the cut one and the 4 skin can give u lots of pleasure

  12. A p***s is a p***s. Any girl that is worth sleeping with won't care. She'll like you just the way you are. =]

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