
Uncivilized people?

by Guest56552  |  earlier

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I have been living in NYC for many years. When I walk on streets and look at what people do, I feel that many people are so uncivilized. NYC is a modern city with people of different cultures; certain acts are totally unacceptable in the public. I have friends around the world who visited NYC, and they told me that they were suprised of how this city actually is; it's really not as good as they thought it would be. After talking with them to discuss what happened, and I agreed totally. You see, I did not specifically mention what people did in the public. Why? I really don't want to offend anyone here.




  1. 1st, to the other poster, have you ever been to Alabama or Georgia? Southerners are the most polite and civilized people in America.

    As for NYC, I've only been once but it seems that people are always rushing and don't care that much if they get in your way as long as you stay out of theirs. I didn't care for the people passing out flyers, yelling at you to take their stuff.

    But that's how any big city is: busy. The problem is that people get so caught up in their own business that they forget their manners.

  2. I'm sure there are pockets of uncivilized people anywhere. NYC is no exception, there are also very civilized people there too. Sorry your friends didn't have a better impression of the city.

  3. sign of the times.

  4. i saw an old drunk urinating on a public sidewalk in the middle of a sunday afternoon in paris and he was properly ignored by every one, are they more civilized in paris than nyc?
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