
Uncle Pucky?

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Sorry. I was bored, so I decided to read people's profiles. I was just wondering how the heck you manage to have time for a life, a job and posting Q & As on here. I only know two people who play World of Warcraft and IT CONSUMES THEIR ENTIRE LIVES. Like seriously, my cousin - he doesn't even eat dinner with the rest of his family. He has a bunch of non-perishables stashed in his room under his computer desk. How can YOU not be addicted like that? Is there a patch? Should I get my cousin to join a support group? TELL ME YOUR SECRET. What is with that game? :| I mean... it's nice and all... but the ogre women things are creepy... especially when my cousin commands them to dance... they grind. :|

Anyway... I thought the Water Sports section was bad... but Canadian Football only has like 5 Q's in it right now. :| Maybe we should get some of the Candian folks from the hockey section to ask a few CFL Q's here for you to answer... you know, liven the place up a bit. :)




  1. And Y! isn't an addiction?  I spend almost as much time on it as WOW.

    I play about 3 or 4 hours a day tops.  More on the weekends and holidays.  I have no other real demands in my life.  I've been playing for 3 years and I just mostly do it to socialize with my guildies.  I also set goals and limits.  Once I've achieved my goals for the day that's it.  Everything in moderation I guess.  I only get mildly addicted to anything. Don't know how you'll help your cousin though.  

    As for Cdn Football well after the Grey Cup I expected it would die down until something happens worth talking about.  I only check it once in a while now.

    I also have never asked a question in here.  Maybe it's time.

  2. Puck rocks this section.

    But we are just fine in the section as it is. I kind of like that so far it just seems to be legit stuff with no spammers or real trolls.
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