
Unclear/Snowy picture on tv .. have cable. What's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved into a new apartment where we have Comcast digital. It only came with one box, which is downstairs. Other two roommates are getting fine reception by just attaching cable to tv and jack in wall. On cable channels, the picture has snowy lines/parts through it. The regular networking channels (ABC, FOX, etc) aren't even coming in.

Is there any way to fix this before just paying to get another box from comcast?




  1. it is probably a weak cable signal.. you can buy amplifiers to boost the original line fore more rooms

  2. Call Comcast and ask them to send a tech out to fix it. You might need permission from your property manager for them to repair the lines. Maybe your room isn't really hooked up and you're only getting a leaked signal.

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