
Unclear answer. How do I unscrew if I don't know the s***w position?

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Unclear answer. How do I unscrew if I don't know the s***w position?




  1. righty tighty .. lefty lucy..

  2. If you can't find the slot, then get a s***w extractor which has a barb type bit which will grab the metal of the s***w and remove it.

    Otherwise, righty tighty, lefty loosy.

  3. lefty loosey righty tighty

  4. Right is to tighten

    Left is to Loosen

  5. righty tighty, lefty loosy

  6. wtf is 'right'

    you s***w clockwise, unscrew counter clockwise

    cmon people be more scientific

  7. Never saw the question, but to tighten a right hand thread, turn clockwise, to remove counter clockwise. Just the reverse if left handed threads.

    If you can't move it one way, try the other direction.

    If it seems to be frozen in place, just tap the end of screwdriver handle while trying to turn.

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