
Uncles getting a tattoo and all I want is a piercing?

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Ok so my uncle is 16 turning 17 in september.I just turned 14 in March.He wants a tattoo and all I want is a piercing.I live with my grandparents there pretty strict when it comes to certain things I want.But with my uncle they don't have a problem saying yes to.So in the next week my uncles getting a tattoo it's just gonna say the family last name and it'll be on his forearm.All I want is lip piercing,and it would be a stud most of the time.I asked my grandparents today and they got pissed at me.I've been wanting a lip piercing for a while and I know the pros and cons,but my grandparents say i'll regret it and stuff.but it's not like it's permanent I can take the thing out if I ever end up disliking the thing.My uncle can never take off his tattoo if he starts to dislike it.unless he gets surgery but that wouldn't happen.So I don't understand my grandparents.Do you think their being fair about this?




  1. He can cover his tattoo, you can't cover your face. You will get a scar when you take it out too..

    edit: you are also younger. you couldn't even legally get a piercing WITH consent until you are 16.

  2. I think that you're young, and that we young people have whims like this.

    Your grandparents have far more life experience, and know more than you in general.

    I would trust their judgment for now, and if you still want your piercing when you're over eighteen, then go ahead and get it. You never know, you may change your mind within those four years, and you'll be grateful that your grandparents told you not too.

    Don't tell me four years is too long to wait. You'd be surprised at how fast the years go by. =)

    Best of luck to you!

  3. to them, you are the girl so youre more "precious" and they are more hesitant when it comes to you. and tattoos are more common nowadays while lip piercings are mero sterotypical for guys. if they are old fashioned-thats how they see it. and they dont want others thinkin theyre raising you to be a hoodlum or something. ask them why they think you would regret it. and stress the point about how you can always take it out if you change your mind. as far as school? when you get it pierced there are clear little rubber pieces or plastic that you can buy to put in the hole and its not even noticeable. if they say no, well then can i get a tatoo?

    =] and there is no way they have a good reason for saying no to that one....

    p.s? a lip piercing doesnt leave a scar. me and my boyfriend plus several friends have had them.

  4. Neither, Neither.

  5. YES they are being fair there is nearly 3 years between you of course the rules will be different!! think yourself lucky your grandparents care about you!!! stop whining

  6. well ur just 14 i had to BEG my mom into letting me get my belly pierced..

    when she faught me on my lip i did it myself and i regret that. talk to them tell them that they wont be able to tell that you have it done when you take it out. tell them that your responsible enough to take care of it and just explain to em that your responsible enough

    maybe suggest it for your 15th birthday or for the start of school..

    it wont scar if you take it out. it will probably end up like mine. I have a permanet hole in my face but... you cant notice it alotta times it looks like a freckle.

  7. just tell then to let you get it and if you regret it then it'll be your problem and not theirs.

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