
Uncomfortable with guys touching me... But comfortable with girls touching me?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I have kind of a problem I guess... Im bisexual... I like guys a little more than girls though... but it seems as if when A boyfriend or something starts touching me I want him to stop... if any boy goes and hugs me I just want him to get off of me... but if a girlfriend comes and kisses me and touches me or whatever its okay and I want her to do it more... Why is this?... And please don't tell me its because I like girls more.. because I am attracted to boys more than girls...




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  2. its probably just cause guys are dodgy and are known to only have one thing on there mind, even though girls think about it just as much, people don't think of girls thinking that way (sexually) and are more comfortable around them.

    Its got nothing to do with being Straight, Bi or g*y

  3. Ok, I'll stay away from the "you like girls better" or "you must have g*y tendencies". And Say that I think you probably trust girls more than guys, understand the intentions of girls better then the intentions of guys and aren't ready to be close or intimate with men.

  4. Well, I've never been physical (sexually) with a girl, but I'm mostly the same way. I don't like when guys touch me and sometimes I don't even like it when my mom rubs my back or something, but for the most part I'll let a girl hug me more than I'll let a guy. My therapist said this is a reaction to being molested when i was younger. Not saying this is the same for you, but it's something to think about..or maybe not.  

  5. I am wondering if you are just confused by your own sexual feelings when in the company of men.  

    You do not trust yourself or know yourself enough to know whether you could get away from a potentially perilous situation. Not a consequence of sexual activity when young, but the opposite.  Or it may have been sexual activity you had no control over.  You may have always been taught that the only appropriate response to sexual approaches by males in "NO!!".  It is a terrible thing what some self-righteous moral uplifters have been doing to children. Just as bad as those who impose their own will on children without considering their need to learn to manage their own lives confidently.

    So I suggest a little sexual exploration with someone you trust will not hurt you or go too far, so that you can set boundaries in your own mind and open yourself to enjoying yourself up to these boundaries.  As time goes on, you can then extend the boundaries as and when you feel comfortable and can handle them.

    Have fun!

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